星期四, 8月 21, 2008

Windows 98 Join Domain

Adding Win 98 Clients to the domain

Win 98 clients need ‘Microsoft client for networks’ installing to join/logon to a domain
To see if you have it installed

Start> Settings >Control Panel
Double click ‘Network’
You should now see your network adaptor (NIC or modem)
If ‘Client for Microsoft Networks’ is not listed add it as follows
Click Add
Select Client and click Add
Select Microsoft (on the left)
Select ‘Client for Microsoft Networks (on the right)
You may be asked to insert the Windows 98 CD, do so.

Ensure the Primary network logon is set to ‘client for Microsoft networks’
Than double click ‘‘client for Microsoft networks’ in the list above.
In the Logon Validation section tick ‘Logon to Windows NT Domain’
Type the domain name in the Box (don’t need the extension i.e. mysite.co.uk would be MYSITE)
In the Network logon options section ensure ‘logon and restore network connections’ is ticked.
Click OK and ensure ‘Client for Microsoft Networks’ is still the primary network logon.
Double click TCP/IP and ensure you have a valid IP address or its set to ‘Obtain an IP address automatically’
If you have a WINS server enter its details on the WINS tab (Make sure you click add)
If you have a Default Gateway enter its details on the Gateway tab (Make sure you click add)
Click the DNS tab, (THIS is where most mistakes occur!!) Tick ‘Enable DNS’
In the host box type ‘YOURCOMPUTERNAME’
In the Domain box put the domain name (i.e. oursite.org.uk)
If you have a lot of domain namespaces (i.e. north.oursite.org.uk south.oursite.org.uk etc) you can put them in the search order (Main site at the TOP!)
Click OK

Now you need to set up the Network Identification

Start> Settings >Control Panel
Double click ‘Network’
Select the Identification tab
Enter or check the ‘computer name’ is THE SAME as the one on the DNS ‘host’ above
In the workgroup box type the domain name in the Box (don’t need the extension i.e. mysite.co.uk would be MYSITE)
Computer description (i.e. my desktop PC)

Reboot the machine! ! !

You should now be able to logon to the domain