星期四, 6月 11, 2009

Managing file ownership in Linux

What does the chgrp command do?

Changes the group to which a file belongs
Changes the owner of a file
Enables a file owner to change file permissions
Sets security attributes

Which option instructs the chown command to disregard any error messages related to the command's operation?


Suppose that you want the transport file to belong to a new group called expenses. The group's ID is 221. Which command enables you to change the group for the file?

chgrp 221
chgrp 221 /home/ksmith/expenses
chgrp 221 /home/ksmith/transport
chmod 221

Suppose that you want to transfer ownership of a file called sales, which was created by Kevin Smith, to Maria Gomez, and you want the file to belong to a group called reviews. You also want to list the file information. Which command do you use to do this?

chown -c mgomez:reviews /home/ksmith/sales
chown -f mgomez:reviews /home/ksmith/sales
chown -R mgomez:reviews /home/ksmith/sales
chown -v mgomez:reviews /home/ksmith/sales

