星期五, 8月 21, 2009

block 死網址唔俾學生玩 game 方法

1. policy 度點 set 內容警告 既野, 不過淨係限制到ie

user configuration- >Windows Setting- >Internet Explore Maintenance- >Security- >Security Zone Content Ratings
2. Set proxy
user configuration- >Windows Setting- >Internet Explore Maintenance
- 如果有firewall而隻firewall又有得set log既話係可以set到既

- 如果係用proxy上網既係proxy度搞就會方便d
比如我block 左 http://www.facebook.com 咁學生用呢個網址就上唔到facebook

但係有d學生識用https://www.facebook.com 去 login...

咁我都唔想比人用https://www.facebook.com 去login facebook 咁我應該要點做先得?


你可以試下block www.facebook.com

最好就block *facebook.com


星期四, 8月 20, 2009












星期三, 8月 19, 2009








堅挺不拔,讓老婆很 High 第二天老公依然像超人般欲罷不能,搞的老婆有一點受不了,


只見老公對著鏡子大喊:[她不是我老婆!她不是我老婆! ]

星期五, 8月 07, 2009

小學六年級中文科閱讀工作紙 - 在進入自己的家園前須先取得警署簽發的通行證?









(1)外公動手術後,病情一直穩定,可今天卻 惡化 起來,令我們擔心不已

(2)這小店的食物價廉物美,難怪從早上到晚間都是人山人海, 門庭若市 
根據文章內容,選出最合適的答案,並把代表答案的英文字母填在(  )內。
(3) 下列哪一項是第二段的段意?                             3.( D 
A 指出禁區的作用。
B 說明新界北部邊境的治安欠佳。
C 說明英國租借新界中英街的歷史意義。

(4) 文中哪兩段說明中英街盛衰的情況?                    4.(C ,D 
A 第二段
B 第三段
C 第四段
E   第六段

(5) 文中第四後,作者引用統計數字的目的是                 5.( C 
A 說明遊人前往中英街的目的。
B 解釋中英街聞名全國的原因。
C 指出中英街遊人絡繹不絕的盛況。
D 比較中英街在香港回歸前後的不同狀況。

(6) 根據文章內容,下列哪一項是不正確的?                6.( C 
A 中英街位於香港深圳的邊界上,橫跨兩地。
B 中英街的知名度與它的歷史背景有關。
C 中英街目前依然是禁區,禁止市民前往。
D 中英街有各式商店,居民可在那裡自由購物。

(7) 作者寫這篇文章的主要目的是介紹                     7.(A , B 
A 中英街的歷史。
B 中英街的發展概況。
C 香港回歸前後的變化。
D 中英街沙頭角的關係。
E  內地改革開放政策的影響。

星期四, 8月 06, 2009



1. DNA檢測法

2. 外科檢測法

3. 糞便檢測法

星期三, 8月 05, 2009

Commands and applications used at layers 1 and 2

1. What would the following command allow you to do?

Capture events relating to data-link layer protocols
Identify a path to a destination device
View IP information for hosts running Windows 9x and Me
View the status of all connected devices and links without querying a DNS server

2. You are a network engineer working to isolate problems at the data-link layer with an end-system running a MAC OS X operating system. You want to view the path a packet takes through the network to
What command allows you to do this?

tracert [-d]
track 1 ip route

3. Suppose you want to isolate a problem at the data-link layer by sending an echo request packet to the address www.easynomadtravel.com.
What command would allow you to do this?

arp -a
ping www.easynomadtravel.com
show ip interface brief
trace http://www.easynomadtravel.com/

4. You are a network engineer working to isolate problems at the data-link layer. As part of your troubleshooting strategy, you want to view entries in the ARP table of a Cisco router.
What command allows you to do this?

arp -a
show ip arp
show ip interface brief
show arp table

星期二, 8月 04, 2009

Correcting physical and data-link layer problems

1. Identify the command that will allow the Cisco IOS software to return to the default LMI type on interface Serial 0/1. The LMI command is already set to the LMI type defined jointly by Cisco and three other companies.

Router(config)no frame-relay lmi-type ansi
Router(config-if)#no frame-relay lmi-type ansi
Router(config-if)#no frame-relay lmi-type cisco
Router(config-if)#no frame-relay lmi-type q933a

2. What end-system command would you use to delete a specific entry from an ARP table?

arp -a
arp -d ip-address
arp -s ip-address
arp -a -N interface_address

3. Which of the following commands activates an interface?

arp -d
clock rate
no shutdown

4. What is the default encapsulation type on a synchronous serial interface?

Frame Relay

星期一, 8月 03, 2009

Physical and data-link layer support resources

1. Suppose that you are a network engineer troubleshooting a problem at the physical layer. In doing this, you want to quickly access information about the latest industry standards.
The web sites of which organizations are most likely to provide this information?

ATM Forum

2. Suppose you are troubleshooting a problem at the data-link layer. You are at the stage of evaluating and documenting the changes you are making.
If you perform a set of problem-solving steps, which are completely unsuccessful, what should you do?

You evaluate and document the changes and the results of each change that you make
You should immediately undo any changes that you have made
You make initial hardware and software configuration changes
You verify that the changes you made actually fixed the problem without introducing any new problems
You verify that you have a valid saved configuration for any device on which you intend to modify the configuration

3. Suppose you are troubleshooting a problem at the data-link layer. You are at the stage of evaluating and documenting the changes you are making and realize that the problem is intermittent.
What should be the next step you perform?

You evaluate and document the changes and the results of each change that you make
You make initial hardware and software configuration changes
You need to wait to see if the problem occurs again before you can evaluate the effect of your changes
You verify that the changes you made actually fixed the problem without introducing any new problems
You verify that you have a valid saved configuration for any device on which you intend to modify the configuration

4. As a general approach when correcting an isolated problem at the physical or data-link layer, what is the first thing you should do?

You evaluate and document the changes and the results of each change that you make
You make initial hardware and software configuration changes
You verify that the changes you made actually fixed the problem without introducing any new problems
You verify that you have a valid saved configuration for any device on which you intend to modify the configuration

5. Which website would you most likely use to find the latest detailed technical documentation about the PPP protocol?


星期日, 8月 02, 2009

Isolating problems occurring at layers 1 and 2

1. If you encounter a line protocol down message on a router interface, what is is an indication of?

The IGRP neighbour agencies are operational on that interface
The problem lies with another router
There is a problem with the interface at the data-link layer that prevents it from functioning properly
There is a problem with the interface at the physical layer that prevents it from functioning properly

2. A group of users reports that its connection to the network has gone down due to a problem in either the physical or data-link layer. You check the operational status, errors, and configuration of the affected interfaces. You still have not found the cause of the problem.
Which guideline for isolating a problem at the physical and data-link layers have you omitted?

Checking cable configuration
Disabling Spanning Tree
Verifying the IP address of the default gateway
Viewing TCP information on a host

3. While testing your FastEthernet 0/1 interface, you have noticed some packet loss. What command should you use to isolate this problem?

debug frame-relay lmi
show interface FastEthernet 0/1
show ip interface brief
show running-config interface

4. While working on the FastEthernet 0/1 interface, you realise that it is performing poorly under load. After running a diagnostic, you discover that there are a high number of late collisions recorded. What is this an indication of?

That the duplex configuration may be mismatched
That the interface has lost its connection to the device on the other end of the Ethernet cable
That the interface has restarted itself after an error condition
That there is a problem with the interface at the data-link layer

星期六, 8月 01, 2009

Identifying symptoms of problems at layers 1 and 2

1. Which command output would you most likely see if you had a problem at the physical layer?

Ethernet 0/0 is down, line protocol is down
Invalid command, no available connection
Neighbor (Serial 1/1) is down: holding time expired
Serial 1/0 is up, line protocol is administratively down

2. Identify the true statements regarding the symptoms of data-link layer problems.

Data-link optimization problems are arguably the least common
Framing errors appear
There are large quantities of broadcast traffic
The interface is down, and the line protocol is down

3. Which command output would you most likely see if you had a problem at the data link layer?

Ethernet 0/1 is down, line protocol is down
Interface Serial 1/0, changed state to up
Serial 0/1 is down, line protocol is down
Serial 0/1 is up, line protocol is down

4. You are a network engineer working on a network experiencing problems. You use the ping command to help you isolate the problems.

Identify the ping command output that would indicate the problems are at the data-link layer of the network.

address is 0007.8580.1581
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 2, Lost = 2 (50% loss)
Tracing route to
0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun

5. If you were investigating problems on the network at the physical layer, which of these would you be likely to see?

Abnormal LEDs
ARP errors
Excessive utilization
Increased buffer failures

6. What commands do you use to verify the ARP cache on a Windows end-system and the ARP table in a Cisco router?

arp -a
arp -s
show arp
show arp table
show arp ip

7. Identify the output from a traceroute that indicates the network is experiencing physical layer problems.

Excessive packet loss
Excessive runts
Increased buffer failures
Line coding errors