星期三, 6月 23, 2010

Ms Office 2010 Brief Notes

InfoPath:    文件電子化 (電子 form, submit via email, 後面靠 sharepoint)
communicator:    internal IM, 唔使出街
OneNote:    類似 OCR, 文件兼容高

可以俾多過一個人用 OFFICE, 影片處理強, 有連線就可以用 WEB APP
可以 WEB CAST, BROADCAST POWERPOINT, sparkline of excel

OEM: just for one PC

winword, execl, powerpnt
Backstage = file tag
better template (e.g. invoice)
print preview
save to web = save to sky drive (25GB for each live ID)
Option can customize new tag (ribbon)
insert -> screenshot (screenshot of opening but not minized program)
screen clipping : choose region needed
artistic effects: some effect of Photoshop

Ctrl-F: navigation (show more detail of word searched in a document)
navigation panel: view structure of document (~ table of content) //document map
paste option: picture, link, text ...
co-authoring (via sky drive): 同步 share 文件一齊用, 一人edit 一段, edit 緊果part會lock住左, 你edit 完我果邊會即時update

insert -> sparkline: cell 入面 compare (just for xlsx)
舊野: pivot table (dynamic table)  //slicer (on top of pivot table): more than one filter at the same time
web apps: skydrive.live.com, 做到部份edit, 有邊個 access 緊 (excel by sheet 控制) {可以edit permission}

64-bit: not support mov, mp4, flash
32-bit: support mov, mp4, flash
Protected view: think that file from the web is not safe
slide section: add section, 可以 go to section (似bookmark), print by section
ctrl + left-click: laser pointer
start broadcasting => ms broadcast service => provide a link => view via browser //傳唔到 audio/video、手寫、laser pointer
movie: 可以trim, pause, skip...
insert video from website (embed code from preload flash player such as youtube)
picture frame effect in picture: insert shape, poster frame
optimize media: mov => wmv, youtube => hyperlink, compress media
退地: double-click 相 => background removal => mark areas to keep/remove
reading mode: 分開播多於一個powerpoint
圖排位有 guideline 
web apps: powerpoint by slide

建議: 至少direct x 10
win xp: direct x 9
win vista: direct x 10
win 7: direct x 11
播放速度跟據direct x, not only cpu

星期三, 6月 02, 2010

重設【Windows 圖片和傳真檢視器】

你曾否面對過 window picture and fax viewer 不能旋轉圖片的問題?



1. 開啟「window picture and fax viewer」
2. 按住 Ctrl 鍵不放,並同時關閉「window picture and fax viewer」
3. 在【所有您已廢止的旋轉警告已重設,且在您旋轉圖片時再次出現】方塊中按【確定】

星期二, 6月 01, 2010

Retouching images in Photoshop CS

How do you specify which pixels the Clone Stamp or Healing Brush tools must clone in an image?

Select an area of the image
Set the location from which the tools must extract pixels
Set the mode that the tools must use

You want to replace the image of a sheep in a photograph with a patch of the grass surrounding it. Which tool do you use to ensure gradual blending when you do this?

The Clone Stamp tool
The Healing Brush tool
The Patch tool

For which tool can you enable an Airbrush feature?

The Clone Stamp tool
The Healing Brush tool
The Patch tool

Suppose you want to clone the image of a flower by dragging it onto an empty part of a branch. Which tool do you use to do this?

The Clone Stamp tool
The Healing Brush tool
The Patch tool