星期一, 9月 06, 2010

The DB2 database creation process

1. What can you conclude about a database that is physically stored in the path segment \BROCDB\NODE0000\SQL00004\?

It is the fourth database created within this path
The database is not partitioned
The instance name is BROC
The tablespaces are SMS

2. Suppose you've created a nonpartitioned database on the E drive called BROCDB. What will the path name be?

Local Disk (E:)/BROCDB/NODE0000
Local Disk (E:)/BROCDB/NODE0001
Local Disk (E:)/NODE0000/BROCDB
Local Disk (E:)/NODE0001/BROCDB

3. You are in the process of creating a database, and the database configuration file has just been initialized. Which tasks will complete the creation of the database?

Binding certain utility programs to the database
Cataloging the database
Creating system tablespaces
Granting authorities and privileges to the appropriate users

4. Which database recovery file stores information about the buffer pool?


5. What is the function of SYSCATSPACE1?

To provide temporary storage for reorganizing tables
To store system views and catalog tables
To store user-defined objects

6. You're creating a database, and the buffer pool has just been created. Which of these tasks have been completed at this stage of the process?

All the files needed for database recovery have been created
Authorities and privileges have been granted to the appropriate users
Four default schemas have been created
The database has been cataloged in the system and local database directory