星期一, 11月 01, 2010

Basic Features of Lotus Notes 7

1. Topic title: Basic Features of Lotus Notes 7
Your company's policies require that computers remain turned on at all times. What could you do to keep others from accessing your Lotus Notes user account, without turning off your computer?

Choose more than one option.

Lock the Notes Welcome page
Exit Lotus Notes
Lock the Lotus Notes interface
Log out of Lotus Notes

2. Which Lotus Notes interface object enables you to display Instant Messaging options?

Choose an option.

Action button bar
Bookmark bar
Status bar

Which database enables you to store information that you don't necessarily want to share with the public?

Choose an option.

Personal Journal
To Do list

4. What are the advantages of logging off Lotus Notes?

Choose more than one option.

All open databases are closed
All open views are left open
Other people can log on
Protects your documents