星期二, 4月 19, 2011


MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1) Which statement below regarding the development of an AIS is false?
A) A newly designed AIS always meets user needs for a time period.
B) Changes to the AIS are often difficult to make after requirements have been frozen into specifications.
C) Users are unable to specify their needs adequately.
D) The development process can take so long that the system no longer meets company needs.

2) In which approach to systems acquisition is "inexpensive updates" considered an advantage?
A) turnkey software and systems
B) custom software
C) canned software
D) modified software

3) When canned software is used for systems acquisition, the conceptual design phase of the SDLC
A) is the same.
B) involves a make-or-buy decision.
C) is combined with the physical design phase.
D) is eliminated.

4) When canned software is used for systems acquisition, the physical design phase of the SDLC
A) is the same.
B) is eliminated.
C) is combined with the conceptual design phase.
D) does not involve designing and coding although modifications may be made.

5) When canned software is used for systems acquisition, the implementation and conversion phase of the SDLC
A) does not involve the documentation step.
B) does not require the develop and test software step.
C) does not require the company to have trained IS personnel.
D) both A and C above

6) When canned software is used for systems acquisition, the maintenance aspect of the operations and maintenance phase of the SDLC
A) is not necessary and is eliminated.
B) is usually the responsibility of the vendor.
C) is more costly.
D) requires trained personnel.

7) Software development companies write commercial software that can be used by a variety of organizations. Sometimes these companies combine both software and hardware together to sell as one package. Such a package is commonly referred to as
A) an application service package.
B) canned software.
C) a value-added system.
D) a turnkey system.

8) What is a major problem with "canned software"?
A) Canned software is sold on the open market to a broad range of users with similar requirements.
B) Canned software may not meet all of a company's information or data processing needs.
C) Canned software may offer easy availability and lower costs.
D) A commercial software development company has developed it.

9) Which statement is true regarding canned software and the SDLC?
A) Canned software cannot be modified to meet unique user needs.
B) The SDLC process does not apply to canned software.
C) Most canned software meets all of a company's information or data processing needs.
D) Companies that buy rather than develop AIS software can still follow the SDLC process.

10) The reasons for ________ are to simplify the decision-making process, reduce errors, provide timesavings, and avoid potential disagreements.
A) leasing
B) outsourcing
C) sending out a request for a proposal
D) prototyping

11) Total costs are usually lower and less time is required for vendor preparation and company evaluation when requests for proposal are solicited based on
A) generalized software needs.
B) specific hardware and software specifications.
C) exact equipment needs.
D) None of the above are correct.

12) Information given to vendors should include
A) timeframe required for completion of the project.
B) detailed specifications for the AIS.
C) a budget for software and hardware.
D) None of the above are correct.

13) The approach that evaluates vendors' systems based on the weighted score of criteria and points totaled is called
A) requirements costing.
B) prototyping.
C) benchmark problem.
D) point scoring.

14) The approaches to evaluating proposals that do not incorporate dollar estimates of costs and benefits is known as
A) requirement costing and point scoring.
B) benchmark problem and point scoring.
C) All methods mentioned above include dollar estimates.
D) point scoring and requirement costing.

15) It is important for a company to be selective in choosing a software vendor. When a company buys a large or complex system, it may request that a software vendor submit a specific proposal for a system by a specified date. What acronym is used to identify such a request?

16) A request for proposal sent to software vendors is an important tool since it can reduce errors.
Which statement below supports this reason?
A) All responses are in the same format and based on the same information.
B) The same information is provided to all vendors.
C) The chances of overlooking important factors are reduced.
D) Both parties possess the same expectations and pertinent information is captured in writing.

17) A company should carefully evaluate proposals submitted by software vendors. What is the first step a company should take in the proposal evaluation process?
A) Carefully compare proposals against the proposed AIS requirements.
B) Invite vendors to demonstrate their systems.
C) Eliminate proposals that are missing important information or fail to meet minimum requirements.
D) Determine how much of a given proposal meets the desired AIS requirements.

18) Among the methods a company can use to help it evaluate software and hardware systems from vendors, one way is to calculate and compare the processing times of different AIS to compare system performance. This is the ________ method.
A) mandatory requirements
B) requirements costing
C) benchmark problem
D) point scoring

19) What is a drawback to using the requirements costing method of software and hardware evaluation?
A) The weights and points used are assigned subjectively.
B) Intangible factors such as reliability and vendor support are overlooked.
C) There is no drawback to using the requirements costing method.
D) Dollar estimates of costs and benefits are not included.

20) The costly and labor-intensive approach to systems acquisition is
A) modified software.
B) custom software.
C) canned software.
D) turnkey software.

Answer Key
1) A
2) C
3) B
4) D
5) D
6) B
7) D
8) B
9) D
10) C
11) B
12) B
13) D
14) D
15) D
16) C
17) C
18) C
19) B
20) B