星期一, 6月 22, 2009


任務名稱 聞達諸侯
任務目標 聲望的獲得途徑?(多選)
升級城池 任務名稱 修繕官邸一
任務目標 [已完成] 升級官邸(等級2)

任務名稱 修繕官邸二
任務目標 [已完成] 升級官邸(等級3)

任務名稱 輕徭薄稅
任務目標 稅收的獲得途徑?(單選)

任務名稱 廣施教育一
任務目標 [已完成] 建造大學殿(等級1)
[已完成] 升級資源科技中的伐木技巧(等級1)

任務名稱 廣施教育二
任務目標 [已完成] 升級大學殿(等級2)
[已完成] 升級資源科技中的挖掘技巧(等級1)

任務名稱 廣施教育三
任務目標 [已完成] 建造大學殿(等級3)
[已完成] 升級其它科技中的撫民技巧(等級1)

任務名稱 招賢納士
任務目標 [已完成] 建造客棧(等級1)
[已完成] 建造酒館(等級1)

任務名稱 有條不紊
任務目標 [已完成] 啟動建築排程

任務名稱 選賢任能
任務目標 [已完成] 建造聚賢樓(等級1)
[已完成] 招募1名文官
[已完成] 為城池任命太守

任務名稱 統帥之才
任務目標 [已完成] 建造點將台(等級1)
[已完成] 招募一名武將

任務名稱 名將傳聞
任務目標 歷史名將的初始屬性比一般武將?(單選)

任務名稱 修築城防一
任務目標 [已完成] 城牆(等級1)
[已完成] 建造城防工事:10個陷阱

任務名稱 修築城防二
任務目標 [已完成] 城牆(等級2)
[已完成] 建造城防工事:10個滾木

任務名稱 宏圖霸業
任務目標 威望的獲得途徑?(多選)

任務名稱 霸業之初
任務目標 [已完成] 建造兵器鋪(等級1)
[已完成] 建造防具鋪(等級1)
[已完成] 建造車馬間(等級1)

任務名稱 打造裝備
任務目標 [已完成] 製造10個魚鱗甲
[已完成] 製造20個透甲槍

任務名稱 趕制軍備
任務目標 軍械速造需要消耗什麼?(單選)

任務名稱 招募鄉勇
任務目標 [已完成] 建造校場(等級1)
[已完成] 徵募10名新兵

任務名稱 陣前點兵
任務目標 [已完成] 武裝10名步兵
[已完成] 並提升士氣到30

任務名稱 休整軍隊
任務目標 怎樣調整士兵的裝備?(單選)

任務名稱 大興商貿
任務目標 [已完成] 建造市場(等級1)

任務名稱 出售軍械
任務目標 [已完成] 在市場中將你未裝備的透甲槍出售。

任務名稱 糧草先行一
任務目標 [已完成] 建造驛站(等級1)

任務名稱 糧草先行二
任務目標 [已完成] 升級驛站(等級2)

任務名稱 糧草先行三
任務目標 [已完成] 升級驛站(等級3)

任務名稱 提拔將領
任務目標 文官經驗獲得途徑有哪些?(多選)

任務名稱 聯結諸侯
任務目標 [已完成] 建造鴻臚寺(等級1)
[已完成] 創建或加入聯盟

任務名稱 城擴百里
任務目標 當聲望到達能控制幾座城池時,能進行第一次升級?(單選)

任務名稱 民心所向
任務目標 [已完成] 使用一次安撫百姓的賑災,使民怨恢復到0值

任務名稱 征戰天下
任務目標 新手保護期內的玩家能進攻他人的城池或者被其他玩家進攻麼?(單選)

任務名稱 百姓依附
任務目標 [已完成] 提升人口上限到600

任務名稱 戰略儲備四
任務目標 [已完成] 升級倉庫(等級4)
[已完成] 升級資源科技中的種植技巧(等級1)

任務名稱 戰略儲備五
任務目標 [已完成] 升級倉庫(等級5)
[已完成] 升級資源科技中的冶煉技巧(等級1)

任務名稱 戰略儲備六
任務目標 [已完成] 升級倉庫(等級6)
[已完成] 升級資源科技中的伐木技巧(等級2)

任務名稱 戰略儲備七
任務目標 [已完成] 升級倉庫(等級7)
[已完成] 升級其他科技中挖掘技巧(等級2)

任務名稱 戰略儲備八
任務目標 [已完成] 升級倉庫(等級8)
[已完成] 升級資源科技中的種植技巧(等級2)

任務名稱 戰略儲備九
任務目標 [已完成] 升級倉庫(等級9)
[已完成] 升級資源科技中的冶煉技巧(等級2)

任務名稱 戰略儲備十
任務目標 [已完成] 升級倉庫(等級10)
[已完成] 升級倉儲科技(等級1)

任務名稱 唯才是舉
任務目標 [已完成] 升級客棧(等級2)
[已完成] 升級聚賢樓(等級2)
[已完成] 再招募一個文官

任務名稱 步步為營
任務目標 [已完成] 建立一座營寨

星期五, 6月 12, 2009




星期四, 6月 11, 2009

Managing file ownership in Linux

What does the chgrp command do?

Changes the group to which a file belongs
Changes the owner of a file
Enables a file owner to change file permissions
Sets security attributes

Which option instructs the chown command to disregard any error messages related to the command's operation?


Suppose that you want the transport file to belong to a new group called expenses. The group's ID is 221. Which command enables you to change the group for the file?

chgrp 221
chgrp 221 /home/ksmith/expenses
chgrp 221 /home/ksmith/transport
chmod 221

Suppose that you want to transfer ownership of a file called sales, which was created by Kevin Smith, to Maria Gomez, and you want the file to belong to a group called reviews. You also want to list the file information. Which command do you use to do this?

chown -c mgomez:reviews /home/ksmith/sales
chown -f mgomez:reviews /home/ksmith/sales
chown -R mgomez:reviews /home/ksmith/sales
chown -v mgomez:reviews /home/ksmith/sales

星期三, 6月 10, 2009

Using special permission modes in Linux

Suppose that you want to implement a set user ID (SUID) for the software_data file. You also want to change the permissions for the file to read, write, and execute for the owner, to read only for the group, and to execute for all other users using numeric notation. What is the command you use to do this?

chmod 2741 software_data
chmod 4741
chmod 4741 software_data
chmod 741 software_data

The umask command sets default permissions for all new files you create. What does the command umask 123 do?

It sets file owner permissions to read and write
It sets group permissions to read and execute
It sets group permissions to read only
It sets other users' access rights to write only
It sets the permissions of other users to read

Suppose that you decide to use symbolic notation to specify a set group ID (SGID) for the staff_data file for the group that owns the file. Which command do you use to do this?

chmod g+s staff_data
chmod +s staff_data
chmod s+g staff_data

Suppose that you decide to set a sticky bit for the african_safaris file. You also want to reset the file's permissions using the chmod command. Which command will do this?

chmod +t
chmod +u
chmod u+t african_safaris
chmod t+u african_safaris

星期二, 6月 09, 2009

Setting permissions on Linux files

Suppose that you want to grant permissions to the itineraries file. You want to grant the owner and the primary group full permissions – read, write, and execute – and to grant other users read permission only. Which command do you use to do this?

chmod 666 itineraries
chmod 774 itineraries
chmod g+x itineraries
chmod u+wx itineraries

Which group of letters are the file permissions that apply to a group in the string r--r-xrwx?

r -x

Which command gives all users full read, write, and execute permissions for the marketing_plan file?

chmod g+x marketing_plan
chmod o-wx marketing_plan
chmod ugo+rwx marketing_plan

Which command do you use to make the /etc/inputrc file immutable?

chattr +i /etc/inputrc
chmod 666 inputrc
chmod g=rw inputrc
ls -l inputrc

星期一, 6月 08, 2009

Using hard and symbolic links in Linux

Which statement applies to a hard link?

It accesses file information by referencing the original file to which it links
It can link to files that don't yet exist
It has the same inode as the file to which it links
It loses all file information if you delete the original file to which it links

The address, or unique identity, of a file is indicated by its ______.

Hard link
Soft link

What permissions do soft links have?


Which command will create a hard link named "Link" to the "Test" file?

ln -h Link Test
ln / Link Test
ln Test Link
ln -s Test Link

星期日, 6月 07, 2009

Finding Linux system files and command locations

Which command do you use to establish the specific version of a command that will be executed?


The (            ) command provides a brief summary of a command's function.


What is the difference between the find and the locate commands in Linux?

The find command searches for files and directories, whereas the locate command searches for commands
The find command searches the file system, whereas the locate command searches for files in a pre-prepared database
The locate command searches for files in real time, whereas the find command searches a prepared list of frequently used files

Which command revises the slocate database according to the most current information available?


星期六, 6月 06, 2009

Exploring the Linux file system hierarchy

What file types does the Linux /opt directory contain?

Application software packages
System binary files
System configuration files
Variable data files

What top-level directory is intended for file storage by the system administrator?


Which of the following commands use relative pathnames?

cd /bin
cd documents
cd ../grosetti
cd /home/grosetti

In a Linux file system, what file types does the /etc top-level directory contain?

Shared library files
System binary files
System configuration files
User binary files

星期五, 6月 05, 2009

Linux files

In the output of the ls -l command, which of the following characters indicates that a file is a symbolic link?


Which of the following are absolute pathnames?

cd expenses
cd /home/malverez
cd (.) grosetti
cd /usr/markr

What Linux file would you use when performing a rescue after a hard disk problem occurs?


What characters can you use to name files in Linux?

Ampersand (&)
Dash (-)
Dollar sign ($)
Underscore (_)

星期四, 6月 04, 2009

facebook 新遊戲 - 大逃殺


倚天劍 + 屠龍刀 = 絕世好劍
牛屎炸彈 + 口水 = 黃色炸藥
水槍 + 漒水 = 漒水水槍
煙花 + 黃色炸藥 + 手槍= 迫擊砲
火藥 + 硫酸= C4炸藥
益力多 + 西炒飯= 鮑魚
蠻牛 + 卡樂B薯片= 魚翅
黃金屎 + Red Bull= 5A和牛
奪命較剪腳 + 無敵鐵頭功= 金剛腿
水槍 + 啪啪子= 霰彈槍
七步迷魂釘 + 一日陷包散= 奇淫合歡散