星期六, 3月 26, 2011

Is IT safe? (Presentation)

- spam
- viruses
- worms
- trojans
- spyware

- use antivirus software
- don't browser the unknown websits
- don't click the unknown links
- don't run the unknown software
- don't open the unknown e-mails

In our real world, nothing is safe certainly (induces IT)

For example:
The main door of your home is locked.
Do you think no one can access your home without your permission?

The world is changing
IT being an important part to citizens

We can easily contact IT in our daily life
As the affect of the friends or schoolmates
There are also many threats when using IT
In the internet, people wll using a nick name, which we can't identify the real person
So, the new enerations can do anything they like in the internet
IT is very helpful and it provides many information for us.

星期三, 3月 23, 2011


我的電腦安裝了 window 7, 每次開機時會有一條紅色虛線出現在顯示器。

如果你未開始載入 windows (見到 windows logo 可定義為開始載入 windows),在 POST 或 BIOS 的時候已經開始有紅色虛線,不排除與硬件有關,而與 windows 及其他軟件無關。

- monitor
- VGA 線 (或其他連接電腦及顯示器的線)
- Display card (或者 on-board display)
- KVM Switch 之類既 video 中轉硬件

建議你向友人借 monitor 及 VGA 線等,以方便測試~

星期二, 3月 22, 2011

廠機轉 Window 問題

請問廠機想安裝自購的 operation system 可以嗎?

當然可以,只是有可能要自行上官網下載廠機的 driver 及 software,不同於 recovery disc 會自帶 driver、software 及系統更新。
另外,如果保養需要重灌系統,維修師傳亦只會幫你安裝購買電腦時所附帶的 windows。

星期一, 3月 21, 2011

Interruption of Email Services

Interruption of Email Services on 21 Jan 2011 (Tonight 6:30p.m. - 6:45p.m.)

Dear all,

Please be informed that we will perform urgent server maintenance for our email systems tonight from 6:30p.m. to 6:45p.m.

The following mail system will be involved:
- Confidential Mail

Users are advised to close their mailboxes during the captioned period.

Should you have any related inquiries, please feel free to contact me.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.


Resumption of Email Services

Dear all,

Please be informed that the email services were resumed normally at 6:45p.m.

星期五, 3月 18, 2011

LCSD 2011/02 高級技工(泳灘/泳池)

檔號﹕LCS 56/HQ 641/02 III
LCS 28/HQ 261/02 Pt.6
康樂及文化事務署職位空缺通告第LCSD 2011/02號
2. 高級技工(泳灘/泳池)的薪級表為總薪級表第8點(每月14,065元)至總薪級表第10點註一(每月15,875 元)。獲取錄轉任這職位的人員,薪酬及增薪日期將依照《公務員事務規例》第130及133條的規定訂定,並會載列於聘書上。
3. 申請人必須–
(a) 在過去三年內考獲香港拯溺總會頒發的有效沙灘救生管理章及泳池救生管理章或更高資歷,以及持有聖約翰救傷會、香港紅十字會或醫療輔助隊頒發的有效急救證書;
(b) 完成小學六年級或同等程度的教育;
(c) 具備五年在公眾泳池、泳灘或水上活動中心擔任拯溺工作的經驗;
(d) 具備督導員工的潛質或能力;以及
(e) 中英文程度達小學六年級水平。
[註: (i) 申請人須通過技能測驗。
(ii) 持有香港拯溺總會或前英國皇家救生會(香港分會)頒發的拯溺教師證書或高級拯溺教師證書的申請人,會獲優先考慮。
(iii) 申請人如未能提供上述(e)項的中英文語文能力證明文件亦可申請。面試中將有中英文語文能力的評核。
(iv) 如未持有有效沙灘救生管理章及泳池救生管理章或更高資歷,但持有有效沙灘救生章,泳池救生章及急救證書並具備上述第3段(b)至(e)項資格者,仍可申請此職位。申請人如獲選取,須接受康樂及文化事務署為考取沙灘救生管理章及泳池救生管理章而設的訓練,並須於完成訓練後三個月內考獲上述第3段(a)所需的拯溺資格,否則其申請將作落選論。獲選取的申請人在考獲上述第3段(a)所需的拯溺資格後,方可受聘。]
4. 申請人於獲聘時必須已成為香港特別行政區永久性居民。在一九九七年七月一日之前初次按公務員聘用條款受聘而其服務並無中斷的在職公務員則屬例外。
5. 高級技工(泳灘/泳池)的主要職責為–
(a) 擔任康樂助理員主管的副手;
(b) 督導技工(泳灘/泳池)、合約救生員及其他初級人員執行日常工作及區內的冬季職務;
(c) 指揮和執行拯溺及急救工作,檢查拯溺和急救設備,並確保在任何時候設備均充足及可供使用;
(d) 訓練技工(泳灘/泳池)及合約救生員,以及協助推行部門的操練計劃;以及
(e) 執行有關的附例/規例。
(i) 須每周淨工作45小時(不包括用膳時間);
(ii) 須接受職系/部門首長的調派和調職,以及派往偏遠地區(包括離島)工作的安排;
(iii) 須接受在職訓練及定期接受拯溺和急救技術的評核;
(iv) 須穿著制服;以及
(v) 或須輪班當值和不定時工作。]
6. 申請人如獲錄用,將按個別情況以試任條款或試用條款受聘。
7. 為提高大眾對《基本法》的認知和在社區推廣學習《基本法》的風氣,所有公務員職位的招聘,均會包括《基本法》知識的評核。獲邀參加遴選面試的應徵者,其對基本法的認識會在面試中以口頭提問形式被評核。除非兩位應徵者的整體表現相若,招聘當局才會參考應徵者在基本法知識評核中的表現。
8. 申請人須以通用表格第340號(1/2011修訂版)提出申請。申請書須於二零一一年四月一日或之前送達香港新界沙田排頭街1號康樂及文化事務署總部8樓康樂事務部聘用及編制小組,信封面上須清楚註明「申請高級技工(泳灘/泳池)職位」。信封上的郵戳日期將視為申請日期。所有申請書,如資料不全,或逾期遞交、或以傳真或電郵方式遞交、或並未妥為簽署,或非使用指定的申請表格,均不予考慮。
9. 申請人如獲邀參加技能測試及面試,通常會在截止申請日期後約十二至十六個星期內接獲通知。如申請人未獲邀參加技能測試及面試,則可視作經已落選。如有查詢,請致電2601 8010。
[注: (i) 符合入職條件的申請人或須經篩選才會獲邀參加技能測試及面試,因此申請人須在申請書上詳細列明本身的拯溺和急救資歷及工作經驗註二;及
(ii) 申請人如屬康樂及文化事務署現職公務員,應在申請書上列明現時職級及崗位。]
分發名單: 各常任秘書長
副本分送: 司法機構政務長


Ref: LCS 56/HQ 641/02 III
LCS 28/HQ 261/02 Pt. 6
18 March 2011
Senior Artisan (Beach/Swimming Pool)
Permanent Secretaries
Heads of Department
Judiciary Administrator
Permanent Secretaries/Heads of Department are requested to ensure that copies of this circular are circulated to all eligible officers and displayed on staff notice boards in all offices of their bureaux/departments until after the closing date for applications.)
Applications are invited from serving civil servants for appointment as Senior Artisan (Beach/Swimming Pool) in the Leisure and Cultural Services Department.
Pay Scale
2. The pay scale of Senior Artisan (Beach/Swimming Pool) is from Master Pay Scale Point 8 ($14,065) to Master Pay Scale Point 10 Note 1 ($15,875) per month. The pay and incremental date for a successful candidate will be determined in accordance with the provisions of Civil Service Regulations 130 and 133 and as set out in the letter of appointment.
Entry Requirements
3. Candidates should have-
(a) possessed a valid Beach Lifeguard Management Award and Pool Lifeguard Management Award or above issued by the Hong Kong
Note 1
The information on the maximum pay point is for reference only and it may be subject to changes.
Life Saving Society within the last 3 years and a valid First Aid Certificate of the St. John Ambulance Association, Hong Kong Red Cross or Auxiliary Medical Service;
(b) completed Primary 6 education, or equivalent;
(c) 5 years’ working experience in life-saving in a public swimming pool, bathing beach or Water Sports Centre;
(d) demonstrated the potential or ability to supervise staff; and
(e) attained a level of proficiency in Chinese and English Languages equivalent to Primary 6 standard.
[Notes: (i) Candidates will be required to pass a trade test.
(ii) Holders of Teacher’s or Advanced Teacher’s Certificate issued by the Hong Kong Life Saving Society or formerly by the Royal Life Saving Society (Hong Kong Branch) will be given preference.
(iii) Candidates without supporting documents of the Chinese and English Languages proficiency of (e) above may also apply. There will be assessments of Chinese and English Languages proficiency during the interview.
(iv) Those who do not possess a valid Beach Lifeguard Management Award and Pool Lifeguard Management Award or above but possess valid Beach Lifeguard Award, Pool Lifeguard Award, First Aid Certificate and meet all other entry requirements of paragraph 3(b) to (e) above may also apply. They, if selected, are required to attend training organized by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department that prepares them for acquiring the Beach Lifeguard Management Award and Pool Lifeguard Management Award. They are required to obtain the life-saving qualifications specified in paragraph 3(a) above within a period of three months after completion of the training course. Otherwise, their applications will be deemed failed. Appointment will be offered to the selected candidates when they have obtained the life-saving qualifications specified in paragraph 3(a) above.
Permanent Residency Requirement
4. Candidates must be permanent residents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region at the time of appointment unless they were first appointed on civil service terms of appointment before 1 July 1997 and continued in service
without a break.
5. A Senior Artisan (Beach/Swimming Pool) is mainly deployed on -
(a) deputizing the Amenities Assistant in charge;
(b) supervising Artisans (Beach/Swimming Pool), contract lifeguards and other junior staff in carrying out daily operations and district winter work programmes;
(c) directing and performing life-saving operations and first-aid services, inspecting life-saving and first-aid equipment and ensuring that they are adequate and serviceable at all times;
(d) training of Artisans (Beach/Swimming Pool) and contract lifeguards, and assisting in implementing the departmental drill programmes; and
(e) enforcing the relevant by-laws/regulations.
[Notes: Successful candidates should note the following -
(i) they will be required to work 45 hours net per week (excluding meal breaks);
(ii) they will be subject to posting and transfer, and required to work in remote areas (including outlying islands) at the discretion of the Head of Grade / Department;
(iii) they will be required to undergo in-service training and periodic reassessment of life-saving and first aid skills;
(iv) they will be required to wear uniform; and
(v) they may be required to perform shift duties and work irregular hours.]
Terms of Appointment
6. Successful candidates will be offered appointment either on trial or probationary terms as appropriate.
[Note: The entry pay, terms of appointment and conditions of service to be offered are subject to the provisions prevailing at the time the offer of appointment is made.]
Basic Law Knowledge Assessment
7. For the purpose of heightening public awareness of the Basic Law (BL) and promoting a culture of learning of BL in the community, assessment of BL knowledge will be included in the recruitment for all civil service jobs. Candidates who are invited to attend the recruitment interview will be tested orally on their BL knowledge during the recruitment interview. The results of BL assessment will be taken into account only if two candidates are considered equal in all other aspects.
8. Applications on G.F.340 (Rev. 1/2011) should be forwarded to the Appointments and Establishment Unit, Leisure Services Branch Support Section, 8/F, Leisure and Cultural Services Headquarters, 1 Pai Tau Street, Sha Tin, N. T., Hong Kong not later than 1 April 2011. Please specify on the envelope “Application for the post of Senior Artisan (Beach/Swimming Pool)”. The post mark date on the envelope will be regarded as the date of application. Applications which are incomplete, late, or submitted by fax or email, or not duly signed, or not made in the prescribed form will not be considered.
9. Candidates who are selected for trade test and interview will normally receive an invitation in about twelve to sixteen weeks from the closing date for applications. Those who are not invited for trade test and interview may assume that their applications are unsuccessful. For enquiries, please telephone 2601 8010.
[Notes: (i) Candidates should state clearly in their applications details of the qualifications in life-saving and first-aid and working experience as shortlisting criteria may be applied for selecting better qualified candidates to attend the trade test and interview Note 2; and
Note 2
Where a large number of candidates meet the specified entry requirements, the recruiting department may devise shortlisting criteria to select the better qualified candidates for further processing. In these circumstances, only shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend the trade test and interview.
It is Government policy to place people with a disability in appropriate jobs whenever possible. If a disabled candidate meets the entry requirements, he/she will be invited to attend the trade test and interview without being subject to further shortlisting.
As an Equal Opportunities Employer, the Government is committed to eliminating discrimination in employment. The vacancy advertised is open to all applicants meeting the basic entry requirement irrespective of their disability, sex, marital status, pregnancy, age, family status, sexual orientation and race.
(ii) Candidates working in the Leisure and Cultural Services Department should state clearly in their applications their present rank and postings.]
for Director of Leisure and Cultural Services

CEDB(CTB) 2011/01 政府資訊科技總監

檔號:CTB22/32/2004(2011)III 香港政府總部
職位空缺通告第 CEDB(CTB) 2011/01 號



2. 政府資訊科技總監是設定職位,職級屬首長級薪級表第6點(現時月薪為174,450元至179,650元註1)。獲聘任人員的薪酬及增薪日期將依照《公務員事務規例》第130及133條的規定訂定,並列於聘書上。

3. 應徵者須為實任首長級薪級表第3點或以上、或屬同等職級的人員,並符合以下條件:
(a) 具備至少十五年出任高層行政及管理職位的經驗;
(b) 持有本港大學學士學位或深造學位,或具備同等學歷。應徵者如具備資訊科技方面的資歷、運用和應用資訊科技與從事業務程序
註1 有關薪酬的資料僅作參考用途,日後或會有所改變。

(c) 具備國際視野,能與資訊科技界和政府內部人士溝通;
(d) 具備卓越的領導和管理才能及良好的人際溝通技巧;以及
(e) 英文書寫能力優良,並操流利英語。如中文書寫能力良好並能操廣東話則更佳。
4. 非香港特別行政區(下稱「香港特區」)永久性居民也可應徵,但只會在沒有合適、合資格的香港特區永久性居民人選時,才會獲得聘用。
5. 政府資訊科技總監負責協助商務及經濟發展局局長制定政策和策略,並協助局長監督相關計劃和措施的執行工作,以推動本港資訊科技進一步發展。他/她的直屬上司是商務及經濟發展局常任秘書長(通訊及科技),有關職責說明見附件。
6. 獲取錄者將按下列其中一種方式受聘 —
(a) 獲取錄者如屬常額人員,將會按試任條款受聘為政府資訊科技總監,為期一年,其後由政府考慮是否按常額條款聘用。
(b) 獲取錄者如屬按合約條款受聘的人員:

如果他/她於二零零零年六月一日前 受聘,且聘任期沒有中斷:他/她將會按試用條款受聘為政府資訊科技總監,為期兩年,其後由政府考慮是否按常額條款聘用;或

如果他/她於二零零零年六月一日或以後 受聘,且聘任期沒有中斷:他/她將與政府解約,並按合約條款受聘為政府資訊科技總監,為期三年,其後由政府考慮是否按常額條款聘用。他/她將受香港法例第485章《強制性公積金計劃條例》規管,並須向強積金計劃作出僱員方面的供款。他/她在合約圓滿結束後可獲發給約滿酬金。該筆酬金連同政府向強積金計劃所作的供款,將相等於他/她在合約期內所得底薪總額的百份之十五。

7. 應徵者須於本年四月八日或之前遞交申請書,闡述為何適合擔任上述職位。申請書須連同詳細履歷,送交香港金鐘太古廣場第一期8樓801室億康先達國際有限公司, 信封上註明政府資訊科技總監, 或電郵至
如有查詢,請與郭榮安先生聯絡(電話:2189 2211)。
(郭榮安 代行)

註2 政府是提供平等就業機會的僱主,致力消除在就業方面的歧視。所有符合基本入職條件的人士,不論其殘疾、性別、婚姻狀況、懷孕、年齡、家庭崗位、性傾向和種族,均可申請本通告所示的空缺。
註3 如果符合訂明入職條件的應徵者人數眾多,招聘部門可以訂立篩選準則,選出條件較佳者,然後再行選拔。在此情況下,只有經篩選後入圍的應徵者方會獲邀參加招聘考試及╱或面試。

職銜 : 政府資訊科技總監
職級 : 政府資訊科技總監(首長級薪級表第6點)
直屬上司 : 商務及經濟發展局常任秘書長(通訊及科技)
主要職務和職責 —協助商務及經濟發展局局長制訂政策和策略,並協助局長監督相關計劃和措施的執行工作,以推動本港資訊科技進一步發展(包括合適通訊科技的應用事宜)。有關職務和職責如下:
(a) 管理政府內部在資訊科技方面的財務預算和投資事宜,並評估政府資訊科技項目、計劃及投資的成效;
(b) 擔任政府的首席顧問,就政府的資訊科技基礎設施、體系結構和系統(包括技術標準)提供意見,並指導和制定適當的策略及措施,使有關策略及措施得以有效推行;
(c) 領導、推行和統籌涉及跨部門職責的電子政府計劃;
(d) 提倡採用嶄新的資訊科技和開發創新的應用系統、服務及內容;
(e) 向社會和商界推廣資訊科技,並領導有關消除數碼隔膜的工作;
(f) 促進本地資訊科技業成長和發展;
(g) 開展資訊科技研究計劃,並探討有關資訊科技如何推動本港進步、提升生產力和促進經濟發展;
(h) 擔任政府資訊科技政策的發言人;以及
(i) 擔任系統分析/程序編製主任、電腦操作員和資料處理員三個職系的職系首長。


Ref : CTB22/32/2004(2011)III Government Secretariat
Hong Kong
18 March 2011
Government Chief Information Officer
in the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer
To : Permanent Secretaries cc : Judiciary Administrator
Heads of Department
(Note : Permanent Secretaries/Heads of Department are requested to ensure that copies of this circular are circulated to all eligible officers and displayed on staff notice boards in all offices of their bureaux/departments until after the closing date for application.)
Applications are invited from serving civil servants at D3 or above, or equivalent, for appointment as the Government Chief Information Officer (GCIO) in the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer.
2. This is an established office ranked at D6 (currently $174,450 to $179,650 per monthNote 1) on the Directorate Pay Scale. The pay and incremental date for a successful candidate will be determined in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Service Regulations 130 and 133 and as set out in the letter of appointment.
Entry Requirements
3. Candidates should be substantive Directorate Officers at D3 or above, or equivalent. He/She should possess -
Note 1 The information on the salary is for reference only and it may be subject to changes.

(a) at least 15 years of administrative and managerial experience in a senior position;
(b) a Bachelor or post-graduate degree from a Hong Kong university or equivalent. Qualifications in information technology (IT) and relevant senior management experience in the deployment and application of IT, business process re-engineering and other related skills would be an advantage;
(c) an international perspective and the ability to interact with interlocutors in the IT field and in the Government;
(d) strong leadership and management capabilities, good interpersonal and communications skills; and
(e) strong command of both written and spoken English. Proficiency in written Chinese and spoken Cantonese will be an advantage.
Permanent Residency Requirement
4. Candidates who are not permanent residents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) may also apply but will be appointed only when no suitable and qualified candidates who are permanent residents of the HKSAR are available.
5. Reporting to the Permanent Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development (Communications and Technology), the GCIO will assist the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development in formulating policies and strategies and overseeing implementation of programmes and initiatives to drive the further development of IT in Hong Kong. A job description for the post is at Annex.
Terms of Appointment (see Note)
6. The successful candidate will be appointed in one of the following ways -

(a) If an officer on permanent terms is selected, he/she will be appointed on trial terms for one year before being considered for appointment to the GCIO rank on permanent terms.
(b) If an officer on agreement terms is selected, if he/she was first offered appointment before 1 June 2000 and continue in service without a break: he/she will be appointed on probationary terms for two years before being considered for appointment to the GCIO rank on permanent terms; or
if he/she was first offered appointment on or after 1 June 2000 and continue in service without a break: he/she will be appointed on agreement terms for three years upon the resolution of the current agreement before being considered for appointment to the GCIO rank on permanent terms. He/She will be subject to the provisions of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance (Cap. 485) and will be required to make employee’s contribution to a mandatory provident fund (MPF) scheme. Upon satisfactory completion of the agreement, he/she will be eligible for an end-of-agreement gratuity which, when added together with the Government’s contribution to the MPF scheme, equals 15% of his/her total basic salary of the GCIO post drawn during the agreement period.
[Note: The entry pay, terms of appointment and conditions of service to be offered are
subject to the provisions prevailing at the time the offer of appointment is made.]
7. A letter of application setting out in detail why the applicant considers
himself/herself suitable for the post, together with a full curriculum vitae, should be sent
to Egon Zehnder International, Suite 801, Level 8, One Pacific Place, 88 Queensway,
Central, Hong Kong marked GCIO or by e-mail to recruit_hk@egonzehnder.com on
or before 8 April 2011 Note 2. Candidates who are selected for interview will normally
receive an invitation in about six to eight weeks from the closing date for applications.
Note 2 As an Equal Opportunities Employer, the Government is committed to eliminating discrimination in employment. The vacancy advertised is open to all applicants meeting the basic entry requirement
irrespective of their disability, sex, marital status, pregnancy, age, family status, sexual orientation and race.

Those who are not invited for interview may assume that their applications are
unsuccessful Note 3. For enquiries, please call Mr Aaron Kwok at 2189 2211.
(Aaron Kwok)
for Permanent Secretary for
Commerce and Economic Development
(Communications and Technology)

Note 3 Where a large number of candidates meet the specified entry requirements, the recruiting department may devise shortlisting criteria to select the better qualified candidates for further processing. In these circumstances, only shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend recruitment examination and/or interview.
It is Government policy to place people with a disability in appropriate jobs wherever possible. If a disabled candidate meets the entry requirements, he/she will be invited to attend the selection interview/written examination without being subject to further shortlisting.

Job Description of the Government Chief Information Officer
Post Title : Government Chief Information Officer (GCIO)
Rank : Government Chief Information Officer (D6)
Responsible to : Permanent Secretary for Commerce and Economic
Development (Communications and Technology)
Main Duties and Responsibilities -
To assist the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development in formulating policies and strategies and overseeing implementation of programmes and initiatives to drive the further development of information technology (IT) (which includes the application of appropriate communications technologies) in Hong Kong -
(a) to manage the Government IT budget and IT investment across the Government and evaluate the effectiveness of Government IT projects, programmes and investment;
(b) to be the Government’s principal advisor on Government IT infrastructure, architecture and systems (including technical standards) and lead/develop appropriate trategies and measures for effective implementation;
(c) to lead, implement and coordinate the E-government programme with cross-agency responsibilities;
(d) to champion the adoption of new information technologies and the development of innovative applications, services and content;
(e) to promote IT in the community and the business sector and lead efforts to bridge the digital divide;
(f) to facilitate the growth and development of the local IT industry;
(g) to develop research programmes on IT and how it can contribute to growth, productivity and economic development of Hong Kong;
(h) to serve as the Government spokesperson on IT policies; and
(i) to be the head of the Analyst/Programmer, Computer Operator and Data Processor grades.

Lotus Notes R5 如何能夠正常顯示香港字符 ?

問:我的電腦已經安裝了 Microsoft 的 香港增補字符集,在 Internet Explorer 亦能夠顯示香港常用字。但發現 Lotus Notes R5 未能顯示香港常用字,

答:請檢查你的 LN 是否已經啟用 Unicode,並且字型支援 Unicode 。

1. 請先到 File > Preferences > User Preferences...

2. 在 Additional Options 中查看是否已剔選 Enable Unicode display

3. 然後在 Display Options 中單擊一下 Default Fonts...

4. 在 Default Fonts 的 Default Sans Serif font 選擇可以正常顯示 unicode 的字體,如:Arial

5. 重新開啟 Lotus 便大功告成了。

AFCD 2011/02 二級獸醫實驗室技術員

檔號 : AF P R 5 - 2 5 / 1 0 / 1 4
漁農自然護理署職位空缺通告第AFCD 2011/02 號
﹝ 注意: 請各常任秘書長/ 各部門首長留意, 本通告須分發給所有
職員布告板上張貼, 直至截止申請日期過後為止。﹞
2. 二級獸醫實驗室技術員的薪級表為總薪級表第8 點( 每月
14,065 元) 至總薪級表第21 點註一( 每月28,065 元) 。獲取錄人員的
薪酬及增薪日期將依照《公務員事務規例》第130 及133 條的規定訂
3 . 申請人必須符合以下條件:
(a) 持有香港任何一所理工學院/ 理工大學醫務化驗文
憑, 或具同等學歷;
(b) 按香港醫務化驗師委員會的登記冊第二部分註冊;及
(c) 香港中學會考中國語文科和英國語文科達第2 等級或
以上, 或具同等學歷註二。
4. 獲取錄的人員必須是香港特別行政區永久性居民。在一九九
註一 頂薪點的資料只供參考之用, 該項資料日後或會作出更改。
註二 政府在聘任公務員時,過往香港中學會考中國語文科和英國語文科(課程乙) C 級及E 級
的成績, 在行政上會分別被視為等同2007 年香港中學會考中國語文科和英國語文科第
3 等級和第2 等級的成績。
5 . 二級獸醫實驗室技術員主要被調派擔任有關動物疾病診斷的
(註: 須在新界區工作及擔任輪班工作。)
6. 申請人如獲錄用,將按個別情況以試任條款或試用條款受聘。
(註: 入職薪酬、聘用條款及服務條件應以發出聘書時的規定為
7. 為提高大眾對《基本法》的認知和在社區推廣學習《基本法》
的風氣, 所有公務員職位的招聘, 均會包括《基本法》知識的評核。
應徵者如獲邀參加遴選面試, 會被安排於面試當日參加基本法筆試。
現, 會用作評核其整體表現的其中一個考慮因素。
8. 申請人須填寫通用表格第340 號(1/2011 修訂版),於二零一一
年四月一日或之前送交九龍長沙灣道303 號長沙灣政府合署5 樓漁農
遞交申請書。申請人如獲選參加面試, 通常會在截止申請後約六至八
個星期接獲通知。如申請人未獲邀參加面試,則可視作經已落選。註三 如
有查詢, 請致電2150 6687 與人事組聯絡。
( 伍棨廷代行 )
分發名單 : 各常任秘書長
副本分送 : 司法機構政務長
註三 如果符合訂明入職條件的應徵者人數眾多, 招聘部門可以訂立篩選準則, 甄選條件較
佳的應徵者, 以便進一步處理。在此情況下, 只有獲篩選的應徵者會獲邀參加招聘考
試╱ 面試。
政府的政策, 是盡可能安排殘疾人士擔任適合的職位。殘疾人士申請職位, 如其符合
入職條件, 毋須再經篩選, 便會獲邀參加面試╱ 筆試。
作為提供平等就業機會的僱主, 政府致力消除在就業方面的歧視。所有符合基本入職
條件的人士, 不論其殘疾、性別、婚姻狀況、懷孕、年齡、家庭崗位、性別取向和種
族, 均可申請本欄內的職位。


Ref : AF PR 5-25/10/14 18 March 2011
Veterinary Laboratory Technician II
To: Permanent Secretaries
Heads of Department
c.c. Judiciary Administrator
(Note: Permanent Secretaries/Heads of Department are requested to ensure that
copies of this circular are circulated to all eligible officers and displayed
on staff notice boards in all offices of their bureaux/departments until after
the closing date for applications)
Applications are invited from the serving civil servants for appointment as
Veterinary Laboratory Technician II in the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation
Pay Scale
2. The pay scale of Veterinary Laboratory Technician II is from Master Pay Scale
Point 8 ($14,065) to Master Pay Scale Point 21Note 1 ($28,065) per month. The pay and
incremental date for a successful candidate will be determined in accordance with the
provisions of Civil Service Regulations 130 and 133 and as set out in the letter of appointment.
Entry requirements
3. Candidates should have:-
(a) a diploma in Medical Laboratory Science from the Hong Kong
polytechnic/polytechnic university, or equivalent;
(b) be registered under Part II of the Register of the Medical Laboratory
Technologists Board of Hong Kong; and
(c) Level 2 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in the
Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) or
equivalent. Note 2
Note 1 The information on the maximum pay point is for reference only and it may be subject to changes.
Note 2 For civil service appointment purpose, ‘Grade C’ and ‘Grade E’ in Chinese Language and English Language (Syllabus B) in
previous HKCEE are accepted administratively as comparable to ‘Level 3’ and ‘Level 2’ respectively in Chinese Language
and English Language in the 2007 HKCEE.
Permanent Residency Requirement
4. Selected appointees must be permanent residents of the Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region unless they were first appointed on civil service terms of
appointment before 1 July 1997 and have continued in service without a break.
5. A Veterinary Laboratory Technician II is mainly deployed on undertaking
laboratory work in connection with the diagnosis of diseases of animals.
(Note: Required to work in the New Territories and perform shift duty.)
Terms of appointment
6. A successful candidate will be appointed either on trial or on probationary
terms, as appropriate.
(Note: The entry pay, terms of appointment and conditions of service to be
offered are subject to the provisions prevailing at the time the offer of
appointment is made.)
Basic Law Knowledge Assessment
7. For the purpose of heightening public awareness of the Basic Law (BL) and
promoting a culture of learning of BL in the community, assessment of BL knowledge will
be included in the recruitment for all civil service jobs. Candidates who are invited to attend
the recruitment interview will be assessed on their BL knowledge through a written test to
be conducted immediately before or after the recruitment interview. The BL test result will
be one of the considerations to assess the suitability of a candidate.
8. Completed application forms on G.F. 340 (Rev. 1/2011) should be sent with
envelope clearly marked “Application for the post Veterinary Laboratory Technician II” to the
Departmental Secretary, Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, 5th floor,
Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices, 303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon not later than 1
April 2011. On-line application can also be made through Civil Service Bureau’s website
(http://www.csb.gov.hk). Candidates who are selected for interview will normally receive an
invitation in about six to eight weeks from the closing date for applications. Those who are not
invited for interview may assume that their applications are unsuccessful. Note 3 For enquiries,
please contact the Personnel Section at 2150 6687.
(Miss Nettie NG)
for Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation
Note 3 Where a large number of candidates meet the specified entry requirements, the recruiting department may devise
shortlisting criteria to select the better qualified candidates for further processing. In these circumstances, only
shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend recruitment examination and/or interview.
It is Government policy to place people with a disability in appropriate jobs wherever possible. If a disabled
candidate meets the entry requirements, he/she will be invited to attend the selection interview/written examination
without being subject to further shortlisting.
As an Equal Opportunities Employer, the Government is committed to eliminating discrimination in employment.
The vacancy advertised is open to all applicants meeting the basic entry requirement irrespective of their disability,
sex, marital status, pregnancy, age, family status, sexual orientation and race.

星期一, 3月 14, 2011

New generation and IT

The world is changing
IT being an important part to citizens

We can easily contact IT in our daily life

As the affect of the friends or schoolmates
There are also many threats when using IT

In the internet, people wll using a nick name, which we can't identify the real person

So, the new enerations can do anything they like in the internet

IT is very helpful and it provides many information for us.

星期日, 3月 13, 2011

Choose Spell Directory (*.dic)

The error "File Does not exit:UK.Dic" popup, when we press on the send button at Lotus Client R5.0.9. We can't send any mail thru this client and we can't find the *.dic file at that PC. It happen at certain workstation only. We can't resolve event we reinstall the client. Pleass advice. Thanks.


Normally, you may find the dictionary file in the following path or directory:

You may try to copy *.dic from other computers, or just turn off the Spell Checking.
"Automatically check mail messages for misspellings before sending"

p.s. you may also try to reinstall the LN after backup and delete all things the "c:\Lotus"

星期六, 3月 12, 2011

Grading standards

The student’s performance fails to satisfy the learning requirements specified.
Absent Fail:
The student fails to submit all assessment items and is deemed to have abandoned studies.
Satisfied Requirements (where used):
The student’s performance satisfies all of the basic learning requirements specified.
The student’s performance satisfies all of the basic learning requirements specified and provides a sound basis for proceeding to higher-level studies in the subject area. The student’s performance could be described as satisfactory or adequate or competent or capable in relation to the learning requirements specified.
The student’s performance, in addition to satisfying all of the basic learning requirements specified, demonstrates insight and ability in researching, analysing and applying relevant skills and concepts. The student’s performance could be described as better than satisfactory or adequate or competent or capable in relation to the learning requirements specified.
The student’s performance, in addition to satisfying all of the basic learning requirements, demonstrates distinctive insight and ability in researching, analysing and applying relevant skills and concepts, and shows a well-developed ability to synthesise, integrate and evaluate knowledge. The student’s performance could be described as distinguished in relation to the learning requirements specified.
High Distinction:
The student’s performance, in addition to satisfying all of the basic learning requirements, demonstrates distinctive insight and ability in researching, analysing and applying relevant skills and concepts, and shows exceptional ability to synthesise, integrate and evaluate knowledge. The student’s performance could be described as outstanding in relation to the learning requirements specified.

星期五, 3月 11, 2011

TD 2011/02 運輸督察

檔號:CT 20/182/10 Pt. VII
職位空缺通告第TD 2011/02號
(注意: 請各常任秘書長/各部門首長留意,本通告須分發給所有合資格申請這職位的人員傳閱,並應在轄下所有辦事處的職員布告板上張貼, 直至截止申請日期過後為止。)
2. 運輸督察的薪級表為總薪級表第9點(每月14,975元)至總薪級表第19點註1(每月25,460元)。獲取錄人員的薪酬及增薪日期將按照《公務員事務規例》第130 及第133 條的規定訂定,並會載列於聘書上。
註 1 頂薪點的資料只供參考,日後或會作出更改。
註 2 政府在聘任公務員時,過往香港中學會考中國語文科及英國語文科(課程乙)C級及E級的成績,在行政上會分別被視為等同2007年及其後的香港中學會考中國語文科和英國語文科第3等級和第2等級的成績。

4. 獲取錄的人員必須為香港特別行政區永久性居民。在1997年7月1日之前初次按公務員聘用條款受聘而其服務並無中斷的在職公務員則屬例外。
5. 運輸督察主要負責:
6. 申請人如獲錄用,將按個別情況以試任條款或試用條款受聘。
7. 申請人將須參加筆試。只有通過筆試的申請人才會獲邀參加遴選面試以及獲考慮聘用。如果通過筆試的申請人人數眾多,獲較高分數的申請人會獲選參加面試。
8. 為提高大眾對《基本法》的認知和在社區推廣學習《基本法》的風氣,所有公務員職位的招聘,均會包括《基本法》知識的評核。獲邀參加遴選面試的申請人,會獲安排於面試當日參加基本法筆試。筆試會於面試開始前或結束後舉行。申請人在基本法知識測試的表現,是評核其整體表現的其中一個考慮因素。

9. 申請人須以通用表格第340號(1/2011修訂版)提出申請。申請書須連同有效香港駕駛執照及/或學歷證明文件副本(如所持學歷並非在香港取得),不遲於2011年3月23日送達香港灣仔告士打道7號入境事務大樓41樓運輸署人事組,請在信封面註明「申請運輸督察職位」。申請人亦可透過公務員事務局的網站(http://www.csb.gov.hk)作網上申請。申請人如在網上遞交申請,必須不遲於2011年3月30日郵寄所需的證明文件副本至上述地址(請在信封面和證明文件副本上註明網上申請編號)。申請人如不使用指定的申請表格提交申請、沒有夾附所需的證明文件,或逾期遞交、遞交未填妥或未妥為簽署的申請表格,其申請將不獲受理。
10. 申請人如獲選參加筆試,通常會在截止申請日期後約10至12個星期接獲通知。如申請人未獲邀參加筆試,可視作已經落選註3。
11. 如有查詢,請致電2829 5242與運輸署人事部聯絡。
分發名單: 各常任秘書長
副本送: 司法機構政務長
註 3 如接獲大量申請,或因其他複雜情況而需要較長時間處理申請,則筆試的通知期可能會較長。


Ref : CT 20/182/10 Pt. VII
11 March 2011
Transport Inspector
To : Permanent Secretaries c.c. Judiciary Administrator
Heads of Department
(Note : Permanent Secretaries/Heads of Department are requested to ensure that copies of this circular are circulated to all eligible officers and displayed on staff notice boards in all offices of their bureaux/ departments until after the closing date for applications.)
Applications are invited from serving civil servants for appointment as Transport Inspector in the Transport Department (TD).
Pay Scale
2. The pay scale of Transport Inspector is from Master Pay Scale Point 9 ($14,975) to Point 19 Note 1 ($25,460) per month. The pay and incremental date for a successful candidate will be determined in accordance with the provisions of Civil Service Regulations 130 and 133 and as set out in the letter of appointment.
Entry requirements
Candidates should –
have Level 2/Grade E or above in five subjects in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent Note 2(The subjects may include Chinese Language and English Language.);
have met the language proficiency requirements of Level 2 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in HKCEE, or equivalent Note 2;
be mature, experienced in handling people, and be able to carry out field work independently and to compile survey reports;
Note 1 The information on the maximum pay point is for reference only and it may be subject to changes.
Note 2 For civil service appointment purpose, ‘Grade C’ and ‘Grade E’ in Chinese Language and English Language (Syllabus B) in previous HKCEE are accepted administratively as comparable to ‘Level 3’ and ‘Level 2’ respectively in Chinese Language and English Language in 2007 HKCEE and henceforth.

have the ability to board and alight various means of land and sea transport and be able to access to different locations (whether with or without palliative or therapeutic devices and auxiliary aids) for the purpose of conducting surveys and investigations as described in para. 5 below; and
have a valid Hong Kong driving licence for private cars.
[Note :
Candidates have to meet the entry requirements by close of application period.]
Permanent Residency Requirement
4. Selected appointees must be permanent residents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region unless they were first appointed on civil service terms of appointment before 1 July 1997 and continued in service without a break.
5. A Transport Inspector is mainly deployed on –
assisting in the management of term contractors for conducting surveys on transport services and facilities, and preparing returns and reports as necessary;
assisting in prosecution works related to vehicles governed by passenger service licence;
assisting in prosecution works related to traffic offences handled by TD;
conducting on-site investigations and surveys, which may involve working in remote areas and interviews with passengers; and
inspecting and producing reports on the performance of various transport services, which require on-board travel on various land and sea transport modes and compiling regular and ad-hoc reports and statistics on surveys conducted.
[Note :
A Transport Inspector will be required to –
work irregular hours, overnight, on public holidays and under adverse weather conditions, e.g. during typhoon;
perform on-call duties at times; and
attend court as witness and give evidence at Inquiries / Transport Tribunals, etc.]

Terms of Appointment
6. Successful candidates will be offered appointment either on trial or on probationary terms as appropriate.
[Note :
The entry pay, terms of appointment and conditions of service to be offered are subject to the provisions prevailing at the time the offer of appointment is made.]
Written Examination
7. Candidates are required to attend a written examination. Only candidates who pass the written examination will be invited for selection interviews and considered for appointment. Where a large number of candidates pass the written examination, candidates who attain a higher score will be selected for interviews.
Basic Law Assessment
8. For the purpose of heightening public awareness of the Basic Law (BL) and promoting a culture of learning of BL in the community, assessment of BL knowledge will be included in the recruitment for all civil service jobs. Candidates who are invited to attend the recruitment interview will be assessed on their BL knowledge through a written test to be conducted immediately before or after the recruitment interview. The BL test result will be one of the considerations to assess the suitability of a candidate.
9. Applications on G.F. 340 (Rev. 1/2011), together with copies of valid Hong Kong driving licences and/or supporting documents for non-local academic qualifications, should be sent to the Personnel Registry, Transport Department, 41/F, Immigration Tower, 7 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong not later than 23 March 2011. Please specify on the envelope ‘Application for the post of Transport Inspector’. On-line application can also be made through Civil Service Bureau’s website (http://www.csb.gov.hk). Candidates who apply on-line should submit copies of the required supporting documents to the above address by post (the on-line application number should be quoted on the envelope and the copies of supporting documents) not later than 30 March 2011. Applications not made in the prescribed form, without the required supporting documents, or which are late, incomplete or not duly signed will not be considered.

10. Candidates who are selected for written examination will normally receive an invitation in about ten to twelve weeks from the closing date for applications. Those who do not receive an invitation may assume that their applications are unsuccessfulNote 3.
11. For enquiries, please telephone the Personnel Section of the Transport Department on 2829 5242.
(Sunny YEUNG)
for Commissioner for Transport
Note 3 The period of notification of written examination may be longer when a large number of applications are received or when there are other complications requiring a longer processing time for the applications.
As an Equal Opportunities Employer, the Government is committed to eliminating discrimination in employment. The vacancy advertised is open to all applicants meeting the basic entry requirement irrespective of their disability, sex, marital status, pregnancy, age, family status, sexual orientation and race.
Where a large number of candidates meet the specified entry requirements, the recruiting department may devise shortlisting criteria to select the better qualified candidates for further processing. In these circumstances, only shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend recruitment examination and/or interview.
It is Government policy to place people with a disability in appropriate jobs wherever possible. If a disabled candidate meets the entry requirements, he/she will be invited to attend the selection interview/written examination without being subject to further shortlisting.

LANDSD 2011/02 技術主任(製圖)

檔號:LD RCR/87 III
地政總署職位空缺通告第LANDSD 2011/02號
2. 技術主任(製圖)的薪級表為總薪級表第9點(每月14,975元)至總薪級表第22點註1(每月29,400元)。獲取錄轉任這職位的人員,其薪酬和增薪日期將按照《公務員事務規例》第130及第133條的規定訂定,並會載列於聘書上。
3. 申請人必須具備以下條件:
(a) 取得由香港任何一所理工學院/理工大學、香港專業教育學院或工業學院/科技學院頒發的電腦輔助製圖、數碼繪圖或地理信息文憑/高級證書,或同等學歷;及
(b) 符合語文能力要求,在香港中學會考的中國語文科及英國語文科取得第2等級或以上的成績註2,或同等學歷。
註1 頂薪點的資料只供參考之用,該項資料日後或會作出更改。
註2 政府在聘任公務員時,過往香港中學會考中國語文科和英國語文科(課程乙)「C級」及「E級」的成績,在行政上會分別被視為等同由2007年及其後舉行的香港中學會考中國語文科及英國語文科「第3等級」和「第2等級」的成績。

4. 獲取錄的人員必須是香港特別行政區永久性居民。在一九九七年七月一日之前初次按公務員聘用條款受聘而其服務並無中斷的在職公務員則屬例外。
5. 技術主任(製圖)主要負責:
6. 申請人如獲錄用,將按個別情況以試任條款或試用條款受聘。
7. 為提高大眾對《基本法》的認知和在社區推廣學習《基本法》的風氣,所有公務員職位的招聘,均會包括《基本法》知識的評核。應徵者如獲邀參加遴選面試,會被安排於面試當日參加基本法知識筆試。筆試會於面試開始前或結束後舉行。應徵者在基本法知識測試的表現,會用作評核其整體表現的其中一個考慮因素。
8. 申請人註3須以通用表格第340號(1/2011修訂版)提出申請。請於信封面註明「申請技術主任(製圖)職位」,並送達香港北角渣華道333號北角政府合署21樓地政總署聘用室。申請人亦可透過公務員事務局互聯網站(網址:http://www.csb.gov.hk)作網上申請。截止申請日期為二零一一年三月二十四日。
註3 作為提供平等就業機會的僱主,政府致力消除在就業方面的歧視。所有符合基本入職條件的人士,不論其殘疾、性別、婚姻狀況、懷孕、年齡、家庭崗位、性傾向和種族,均可申請本職位。

9. 申請人如獲選參加面試,通常會在截止申請日期後約十至十二個星期內接獲通知。申請人如未獲邀參加面試,則可視作已經落選註4。如有查詢,請致電2231 3196或2231 3182與地政總署聘用室聯絡。
分發名單: 各常任秘書長
副本送: 司法機構政務長
註4 如果符合訂明入職條件的應徵者人數眾多,招聘部門可以訂立篩選準則,甄選條件較佳的應徵者,以便進一步處理。在此情況下,只有獲篩選的應徵者會獲邀參加招聘面試。


Ref : LD RCR/87 III
11 March 2011
Technical Officer (Cartographic)
To :
Permanent Secretaries
Judiciary Administrator
Heads of Department
(Note :
Permanent Secretaries/Heads of Department are requested to ensure that copies of this circular are circulated to all eligible officers and displayed on staff notice boards in all offices of their bureaux/departments until after the closing date for applications.)
Applications are invited from serving civil servants for appointment as Technical Officer (Cartographic) in the Lands Department.
Pay Scale
2. The pay scale of Technical Officer (Cartographic) is from Master Pay Scale Point 9 ($14,975) to Master Pay Scale Point 22 Note 1 ($29,400) per month. The pay and incremental date for a successful candidate will be determined in accordance with the provisions of Civil Service Regulations 130 and 133 and as set out in the letter of appointment.
Entry requirements
3. Candidates should have -
a Diploma / Higher Certificate in Computer Assisted Cartography, Digital Mapping or Geomatics from a Hong Kong polytechnic / polytechnic university, the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education or technical institute/technical college, or equivalent; and
met the language proficiency requirements of Level 2 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) Note 2, or equivalent.
(Remarks: Candidates will be required to pass an assessment on their colour vision for performing duties relating to preparation of maps and charts.)
Note 1 The information on the maximum pay point is for reference only and it may be subject to changes.
Note 2 For civil service appointment purpose, ‘Grade C’ and ‘Grade E’ in Chinese Language and English Language (Syllabus B) in previous Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) are accepted administratively as comparable to ‘Level 3’ and ‘Level 2’ respectively in Chinese Language and English Language in the 2007 HKCEE and henceforth.

Permanent Residency Requirement
4. Selected appointees must be permanent residents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region unless they were first appointed on civil service terms of appointment before 1 July 1997 and have continued in service without a break.
A Technical Officer (Cartographic) is mainly deployed on -
preparing colour maps, plans, photomaps, charts and miscellaneous drawings;
performing data gathering, compilation and processing;
maintaining office records and compiling production statistics;
maintaining cadastral, mapping and related databases;
participating in computer system administration and design; and
providing customer service in the sale and promotion of map products.
(Remarks: Technical Officer (Cartographic) may be required to work irregular hours and may be seconded to other Government departments.)
Terms of appointment
6. Successful candidates will be offered appointment either on trial or on probationary terms, as appropriate.
(Remarks: The entry pay, terms of appointment and conditions of service to be offered are subject to the provisions prevailing at the time the offer of appointment is made.)
Basic Law Knowledge Assessment
7. For the purpose of heightening public awareness of the Basic Law (BL) and promoting a culture of learning of BL in the community, assessment of BL knowledge will be included in the recruitment for all civil service jobs. Candidates who are invited to attend the recruitment interview will be assessed on their BL knowledge through a written test to be conducted immediately before or after the recruitment interview. The BL test result will be one of the considerations to assess the suitability of a candidate. 2
8. Applications Note 3 on G.F. 340 (Rev. 1/2011) should be forwarded to the Appointments Registry, Lands Department, 21/F, North Point Government Offices, 333 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong not later than 24 March 2011. The envelope containing the application should be clearly marked “Application for the post of Technical Officer (Cartographic)”. On-line application can also be made through the Civil Service Bureau’s website (http://www.csb.gov.hk).
9. Candidates who are selected for interview will normally receive an invitation letter within ten to twelve weeks from the closing date for application. Those who are not invited for interview may assume that their applications are unsuccessful Note 4. For enquiries, please telephone the Appointments Registry at 2231 3196 or 2231 3182.
( Mrs Pearl SIU )
for Director of Lands
Note 3 As an Equal Opportunities Employer, the Government is committed to eliminating discrimination in employment. The vacancy advertised is open to all applicants meeting the basic entry requirement irrespective of their disability, sex, marital status, pregnancy, age, family status, sexual orientation and race.
Note 4 Where a large number of candidates meet the specified entry requirements, the recruiting department may devise shortlisting criteria to select the better qualified candidates for further processing. In these circumstances, only shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend recruitment interview.
It is Government policy to place people with a disability in appropriate jobs wherever possible. If a disabled candidate meets the entry requirements, he/she will be invited to attend the selection interview without being subject to further shortlisting.

EMSD 2011/04 屋宇裝備工程師

檔號: EMSD P/5-25/14/15 (1/2011)
機電工程署職位空缺通告第EMSD 2011/05號
[注意: 請各常任秘書長/各部門首長留意,本通告須分發給所有合資格申請這職位的人員傳閱,並應在轄下所有辦事處的職員布告板上張貼,直至截止申請日期過後為止。]
2. 助理屋宇裝備工程師的薪級表為總薪級表第18點(每月24,255元)至總薪級表第27點註1(每月36,945元)。獲取錄轉任這職位的人員,薪酬及增薪日期將依照《公務員事務規例》第130及第133條的規定訂定,並會載列於聘書上。
註1 頂薪點的資料只供參考,日後或會作出更改。

3. 申請人註2必須:
(a) 具備取得香港工程師學會法定會員資格(屋宇裝備界別)所需的全部學歷,或同等學歷;
(b) 完成獲香港工程師學會預先認可的正式訓練,或同等訓練,或於取得有關學歷後在屋宇裝備工程方面具備兩年的專業工作經驗註3及4;以及
(c) 在綜合招聘考試兩張語文試卷(中文運用及英文運用)中取得「一級」成績,或同等成績。此外,亦須在綜合招聘考試能力傾向測試試卷中取得及格成績註5及6。
4. 申請人於受聘時必須已成為香港特別行政區永久性居民。在1997年7月1日之前初次按公務員聘用條款受聘而其服務並無中斷的在職公務員則屬例外。
註2 申請人如在獲聘時已取得香港工程師學會法定會員資格(於1975年12月5日後選取)或同等資格,將不會獲考慮聘用為助理屋宇裝備工程師。獲取錄的申請人必須就上述事項作出聲明。
註3 申請人如具有非本地專業資格,必須提交證明文件,證明申請人已完成非本地專業機構的正規(有系統的)培訓計劃,而該等計劃已獲香港工程師學會接納為等同其工程畢業生培訓計劃。
註4 申請人如預計可在2012年2月29日或以前符合上述(b)項的入職條件,亦可申請此職位。然而,申請人必須符合所有入職條件才會獲得聘用。
註5 申請人如曾參加一次以上的綜合招聘考試,應遞交最佳的綜合招聘考試成績。
註6 能力傾向測試的考生成績分為及格或不及格,而中文運用及英文運用試卷的成績則分為二級、一級或不及格,並以二級為最高等級。香港高級程度會考英語運用科C級或以上和D級成績(或同等成績)分別獲接納為等同綜合招聘考試英文運用試卷的二級和一級成績。香港高級程度會考中國語文及文化科、中國語言文學科或中國語文科C級或以上和D級的成績則分別獲接納為等同綜合招聘考試中文運用試卷的二級和一級成績。在International English Language Testing System (IELTS)學術模式整體分級取得6.5或以上,並在同一次考試中各項個別分級取得不低於6的成績的申請人,在IELTS考試成績的兩年有效期內,會視為已符合本職位的英文語文能力要求。IELTS考試成績必須在職位開始接受申請的首天(即2011年3月11日)仍然有效。

5. 助理屋宇裝備工程師為助理專業人員,主要負責:
(a) 執行法例及提供規管和諮詢服務;
(b) 操作及維修各類屋宇裝備工程系統和設備,並進行改善項目/工程;以及
(c) 提供設計、採購、工程管理及其他技術顧問服務。
6. 獲取錄的申請人可能會調派至其他部門工作,並須(a)不定時/在偏遠地區/在惡劣環境下工作;(b)執行輪班/上班候命/隨時候召/緊急工作;(c)穿著制服/保護衣物;(d)攜帶傳呼機/手提電話;(e)操作電腦;以及(f)執行其他不時指定的職務。獲取錄的申請人亦可能要以自願性質執行自行駕車到工作地點的職務(如有需要,部門會提供有關訓練)。
7. 獲取錄的申請人將按情況以試任條款或試用條款獲得聘用。
8. 為提高大眾對《基本法》的認知和在社區推廣學習《基本法》的風氣,所有公務員職位的招聘,均會包括《基本法》知識的評核。申請人在基本法測試(學位╱專業程度職系)的表現,會用作評核其整體表現的其中一個考慮因素,但不會影響其申請公務員職位的資格。原則上,申請人的學歷、經驗和才能仍然是考慮其是否適合被聘用的主要因素。

9. 申請人須以通用表格第340號(1/2011修訂版)提出申請。已填妥的申請表格,連同學歷及工作經驗證明文件副本,須於2011年3月24日或之前郵寄或送交香港九龍啓成街3號機電工程署招聘及升任組,信封面須清楚註明「申請助理屋宇裝備工程師職位」。申請人亦可透過公務員事務局網站(http://www.csb.gov.hk)作網上申請。申請人如遲交申請書、未能在通用表格第340號提供申請本職位所需的資料、或所填寫的資料未能清楚顯示申請人符合本職位所規定最起碼的入職條件,申請書將不獲受理。申請人如獲選參加面試,通常會在截止申請日期後約八至十個星期內收到通知。如申請人未獲邀參加面試/筆試,則可視作已落選論註7。如有查詢,請致電2808 3823與林女士聯絡。
分發名單: 各常任秘書長
副本送: 司法機構政務長
註7 如果符合訂明入職條件的應徵者人數眾多,招聘部門可以訂立篩選準則,甄選條件較佳的應徵者,以便進一步處理。在此情況下,只有獲篩選的應徵者會獲邀參加招聘考試及/或面試。


Ref. : EMSD P/5-25/14/15 (1/2011)
11 March 2011
Assistant Building Services Engineer
To :
Permanent Secretaries
Judiciary Administrator
Heads of Department
(Note : Permanent Secretaries/Heads of Department are requested to ensure that copies of this circular are circulated to all eligible officers and displayed on staff notice boards in all offices of their bureaux/departments until after the closing date for applications.)
Applications are invited from serving civil servants for appointment as Assistant Building Services Engineer in the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department.
Pay Scale
2. The pay scale of Assistant Building Services Engineer is from Master Pay Scale Point 18 ($24,255) to Master Pay Scale Point 27Note 1 ($36,945) per month. The pay and incremental date for a successful candidate will be determined in accordance with the provisions of Civil Service Regulations 130 and 133 and as set out in the letter of appointment.
Note 1 The information on the maximum pay point is for reference only and may be subject to change.

Entry Requirements
3. Candidates Note 2 should :
(a) have satisfied in full the academic requirements for Corporate Membership of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (Building Services Discipline), or equivalent;
(b) have completed the formal training pre-approved by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, or equivalent, or have had two years of post-academic qualification experience in the field of Building Services Engineering at a professional level Notes 3&4 ; and
(c) have met the language proficiency requirements of Level 1 results in the two language papers (Use of Chinese and Use of English) in the Common Recruitment Examination (CRE), or equivalent, and a pass result in the Aptitude Test (AT) in the CRE Notes 5&6.
Permanent Residency Requirement
4. Candidates must be permanent residents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region at the time of appointment unless they were first appointed on civil service terms of appointment before 1 July 1997 and have continued in service without a break.
Note 2 Candidates who have obtained the Corporate Membership of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (elected after 5 December 1975) or equivalent at the time of appointment will NOT be considered for the Assistant Building Services Engineer post. Successful candidates will be required to make a declaration to that effect.
Note 3 Candidates holding non-local professional qualifications should provide documentary evidence certifying that they have successfully completed formal (structured) training schemes of non-local professional institutions which have been accepted by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers as equivalent to its Engineering Graduate Training Scheme A.
Note 4 Candidates who are expected to have fulfilled entry requirement (b) by 29.2.2012 may also apply. However, the offer of appointment is subject to the fulfillment of all entry requirements.
Note 5 Candidates who have sat for the CRE for more than one time should submit the best CRE results they have obtained.
Note 6 Candidates’ results in the Aptitude Test (AT) paper in CRE are classified as Pass or Fail, while the results of the Use of Chinese (UC) and Use of English (UE) papers are classified as Level 2, Level 1 or Fail, with Level 2 being the highest. Grade C or above and Grade D in Use of English of the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (HKALE) or equivalent, are accepted as equivalent to Level 2 and Level 1 results respectively in the UE paper of the CRE. Grade C or above and Grade D in Chinese Language and Culture or Chinese Language and Literature of the HKALE are accepted as equivalent to Level 2 and Level 1 results respectively in the UC paper of the CRE. Candidates with an overall band of 6.5 or above with no subtest score below band 6 obtained in the same sitting in the Academic Module of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) within the two-year validity period of the test are considered as having met the English language proficiency requirement of this post. The IELTS test result must be valid on the starting day of the application period (i.e. 11 March 2011).

5. An Assistant Building Services Engineer is mainly deployed at the assistant professional level on: -
(a) law enforcement, regulatory services and advisory services;
(b) operation and maintenance of various types of building services engineering systems and equipment plus improvement projects/works; and
(c) design, procurement, project management and other technical consultancy services.
Job-related Requirements
6. Successful candidates may be posted to other departments and may be required: (a) to work irregular hours/in remote areas/in harsh conditions; (b) to perform shift duty/stand-by duty/on call duty/emergency duty; (c) to wear uniform/protective clothing; (d) to carry pager/mobile phone; (e) to work with computer; and (f) to perform any other duties as specified from time to time. Successful candidates may also be required to perform self-drive duty (training will be provided where necessary) on a voluntary basis.
Terms of Appointment
7. Successful candidates will be offered appointment either on trial or on probationary terms as appropriate.
[Note : The entry pay, terms of appointment and conditions of service to be offered are subject to the provisions prevailing at the time the offer of appointment is made.]
Basic Law Knowledge Assessment
8. For the purpose of heightening public awareness of the Basic Law (BL) and promoting a culture of learning of BL in the community, assessment of BL knowledge will be included in the recruitment for all civil service jobs. Results of the BL test for degree/professional grades will be one of the considerations to assess the suitability of a candidate but will not affect his/her eligibility for applying for civil service jobs. As a general principle, the main consideration for suitability for appointment remains a candidate's qualification, experience and caliber.

9. Applications on G.F. 340 (Rev. 1/2011), together with copies of qualification and experience supporting documents should be forwarded to the Recruitment and Promotion Section, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, 7/F, 3 Kai Shing Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong not later than 24 March 2011, with the envelope clearly marked “For Application of Assistant Building Services Engineer”. Online applications can also be made through Civil Service Bureau’s website (http://www.csb.gov.hk). Your application will not be considered if late or if you fail to provide in G.F. 340 the information as required for consideration of your application or if it is not clear from your statements that you have met the minimum entry requirements for this post. Candidates who are selected for interview will normally receive an invitation in about eight to ten weeks from the closing date for applications. Those who are not invited for interview / written examination may assume that their applications are unsuccessfulNote 71. For enquiries, please contact Ms LAM at 2808 3823.
(Jason CHAN)
for Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services
Note 7 Where a large number of candidates meet the specified entry requirements, the recruiting department may devise shortlisting criteria to select the better qualified candidates for further processing. In these circumstances, only shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend recruitment examination and/or interview.
As an Equal Opportunities Employer, the Government is committed to eliminating discrimination in employment. The vacancy advertised is open to all applicants meeting the basic entry requirement irrespective of their disability, sex, marital status, pregnancy, age, family status, sexual orientation and race.
It is Government policy to place people with a disability in appropriate jobs wherever possible. If a disabled candidate meets the entry requirements, he/she will be invited to attend the selection interview/written examination without being subject to further shortlisting.

EMSD 2011/04 屋宇裝備工程師

檔號:EMSD P/5-25/14/14 (1/2011)
機電工程署職位空缺通告第EMSD 2011/04號
[注意: 請各常任秘書長/各部門首長留意,本通告須分發給所有合資格申請這職位的人員傳閱,並應在轄下所有辦事處的職員布告板上張貼,直至截止申請日期過後為止。]
2. 屋宇裝備工程師的薪級表為總薪級表第32點(每月46,490元)至總薪級表第44點註1(每月74,675元)。獲取錄轉任這職位的人員,薪酬及增薪日期將依照《公務員事務規例》第130及第133條的規定訂定,並會載列於聘書上。
3. 申請人必須:
(a) 為香港工程師學會於1975年12月5日後選取的法定會員(屋宇裝備、電機或機械界別),或具同等資格;以及
(b) 在綜合招聘考試兩張語文試卷(中文運用及英文運用)中取得一級成績,或同等成績。此外,亦須在綜合招聘考試能力傾向測試試卷中取得及格成績註2及3。
註1 頂薪點的資料只供參考,日後或會作出更改。
註2 申請人如曾參加一次以上的綜合招聘考試,應遞交最佳的綜合招聘考試成績。
註3 能力傾向測試的考生成績分為及格或不及格,而中文運用及英文運用試卷的成績則分為二級、一級或不及格,並以二級為最高等級。香港高級程度會考英語運用科C級或以上和D級成績(或同等成績)分別獲接納為等同綜合招聘考試英文運用試卷的二級和一級成績。香港高級程度會考中國語文及文化科、中國語言文學科或中國語文科C級或以上和D級的成績則分別獲接納為等同綜合招聘考試中文運用試卷的二級和一級成績。在International English Language Testing System (IELTS)學術模式整體分級取得6.5 或以上,並在同一次考試中各項個別分級取得不低於6的成績的申請人,在IELTS考試成績的兩年有效期內,會視為已符合本職位的英文語文能力要求。IELTS考試成績必須在職位開始接受申請的首天(即2011年3月11日)仍然有效。

4. 申請人於獲聘時必須已成為香港特別行政區永久性居民。在1997年7月1日之前初次按公務員聘用條款受聘而其服務並無中斷的在職公務員則屬例外。
5. 屋宇裝備工程師為專業人員,主要負責:
(a) 執行法例及提供規管和諮詢服務;
(b) 操作及維修各種屋宇裝備工程系統和設備;以及
(c) 提供設計、採購、工程管理及其他技術顧問服務。
6. 獲取錄的申請人可能會調派至其他部門工作,並須(a)不定時/在偏遠地區/在惡劣環境下工作;(b)執行輪班/上班候命/隨時候召/緊急工作;(c)穿著制服/保護衣物;(d)攜帶傳呼機/手提電話;(e)操作電腦;以及(f)執行其他不時指定的職務。獲取錄的申請人亦可能要以自願性質執行自行駕車到工作地點的職務(如有需要,部門會提供有關訓練)。
7. 獲取錄的申請人將按情況以試任條款或試用條款獲得聘用。
8. 為提高大眾對《基本法》的認知和在社區推廣學習《基本法》的風氣,所有公務員職位的招聘,均會包括《基本法》知識的評核。申請人在基本法測試(學位╱專業程度職系)的表現,會用作評核其整體表現的其中一個考慮因素,但不會影響其申請公務員職位的資格。原則上,申請人的學歷、經驗和才能仍然是考慮其是否適合被聘用的主要因素。
9. 申請人須以通用表格第340號(1/2011修訂版)提出申請。已填妥的申請表格,連同學歷及工作經驗證明文件副本,須於2011年3月24日或之前郵寄或送交香港九龍啓成街3號機電工程署7樓招聘及升任組,信封面須清楚註明「申請屋宇裝備工程師職位」。申請人亦可透過公務員事務局網站(http://www.csb.gov.hk)作網上申請。申請人如遲交申請書、未能在通用表格第340號提供申請本職位所需的資料、或所填寫的資料未能清楚顯示申請人符合本職位所規定最起碼的入職條件,申請書將不獲受理。申請人如獲選參加面試,通常會在截止申請日期後約八至十個星期內收到通知。如申請人未獲邀參加面試/筆試,則可視作已落選論註4。如有查詢,請致電2808 3823與林女士聯絡。
機電工程署署長 (陳健國代行)
分發名單: 各常任秘書長
副本送: 司法機構政務長
註4 如果符合訂明入職條件的應徵者人數眾多,招聘部門可以訂立篩選準則,甄選條件較佳的應徵者,以便進一步處理。在此情況下,只有獲篩選的應徵者會獲邀參加招聘考試及╱或面試。


Ref. : EMSD P/5-25/14/14 (1/2011)
11 March 2011
Building Services Engineer
To :
Permanent Secretaries
Judiciary Administrator
Heads of Department
(Note : Permanent Secretaries/Heads of Department are requested to ensure that copies of this circular are circulated to all eligible officers and displayed on staff notice boards in all offices of their bureaux/departments until after the closing date for applications.)
Applications are invited from serving civil servants for appointment as Building Services Engineer in the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department.
Pay Scale
2. The pay scale of Building Services Engineer is from Master Pay Scale Point 32 ($46,490) to Master Pay Scale Point 44Note 1 ($74,675) per month. The pay and incremental date for a successful candidate will be determined in accordance with the provisions of Civil Service Regulations 130 and 133 and as set out in the letter of appointment.
Note 1 The information on the maximum pay point is for reference only and may be subject to change.

Entry Requirements
3. Candidates should :
(a) be Corporate Members of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (Building Services, Electrical or Mechanical Discipline) elected after 5 December 1975, or equivalent; and
(b) have met the language proficiency requirements of Level 1 results in the two language papers (Use of Chinese and Use of English) in the Common Recruitment Examination (CRE), or equivalent, and a pass result in the Aptitude Test (AT) in the CRE Notes 2-3.
Permanent Residency Requirement
4. Candidates must be permanent residents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region at the time of appointment unless they were first appointed on civil service terms of appointment before 1 July 1997 and continued in service without a break.
Note 2 Candidates who have sat for the CRE for more than one time should submit the best CRE results they have obtained.
Note 3 Candidates’ results in the Aptitude Test (AT) paper in CRE are classified as Pass or Fail, while the results of the Use of Chinese (UC) and Use of English (UE) papers are classified as Level 2, Level 1 or Fail, with Level 2 being the highest. Grade C or above and Grade D in Use of English of the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (HKALE) or equivalent, are accepted as equivalent to Level 2 and Level 1 results respectively in the UE paper of the CRE. Grade C or above and Grade D in Chinese Language and Culture or Chinese Language and Literature of the HKALE are accepted as equivalent to Level 2 and Level 1 results respectively in the UC paper of the CRE. Candidates with an overall band of 6.5 or above with no subtest score below band 6 obtained in the same sitting in the Academic Module of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) within the two-year validity period of the test are considered as having met the English language proficiency requirement of this post. The IELTS test result must be valid on the starting day of the application period (i.e. 11 March 2011).

5. A Building Services Engineer is mainly deployed at professional level on : -
(a) law enforcement, regulatory services and advisory services;
(b) operation and maintenance of various types of building services engineering systems and equipment; and
(c) design, procurement, project management and other technical consultancy services.
Job-related Requirements
6. Successful candidates may be posted to other departments and may be required: (a) to work irregular hours/in remote areas/in harsh conditions; (b) to perform shift duty/stand-by duty/on call duty/emergency duty; (c) to wear uniform/protective clothing; (d) to carry pager/mobile phone; (e) to work with computer; and (f) to perform any other duties as specified from time to time. Successful candidates may also be required to perform self-drive duty (training will be provided where necessary) on a voluntary basis.
Terms of Appointment
7. Successful candidates will be offered appointment either on trial or on probationary terms as appropriate.
[Note : The entry pay, terms of appointment and conditions of service to be offered are subject to the provisions prevailing at the time the offer of appointment is made.]
Basic Law Knowledge Assessment
8. For the purpose of heightening public awareness of the Basic Law (BL) and promoting a culture of learning of BL in the community, assessment of BL knowledge will be included in the recruitment for all civil service jobs. Results of the BL test for degree/professional grades will be one of the considerations to assess the suitability of a candidate but will not affect his/her eligibility for applying for civil service jobs. As a general principle, the main consideration for suitability for appointment remains a candidate's qualification, experience and caliber.
- 4 -
9. Applications on G.F. 340 (Rev. 1/2011), together with copies of qualification and experience supporting documents should be forwarded to the Recruitment and Promotion Section, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, 7/F, 3 Kai Shing Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong not later than 24 March 2011, with the envelope clearly marked “For Application of Building Services Engineer”. Online applications can also be made through Civil Service Bureau’s website (http://www.csb.gov.hk). Your application will not be considered if late or if you fail to provide in G.F. 340 the information as required for consideration of your application or if it is not clear from your statements that you have met the minimum entry requirements for this post. Candidates who are selected for interview will normally receive an invitation in about eight to ten weeks from the closing date for applications. Those who are not invited for interview / written examination may assume that their applications are unsuccessfulNote 41. For enquiries, please contact Ms LAM at 2808 3823.
(Jason CHAN)
for Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services
1Note 4 Where a large number of candidates meet the specified entry requirements, the recruiting department may devise shortlisting criteria to select the better qualified candidates for further processing. In these circumstances, only shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend recruitment examination and/or interview.
As an Equal Opportunities Employer, the Government is committed to eliminating discrimination in employment. The vacancy advertised is open to all applicants meeting the basic entry requirement irrespective of their disability, sex, marital status, pregnancy, age, family status, sexual orientation and race.
It is Government policy to place people with a disability in appropriate jobs wherever possible. If a disabled candidate meets the entry requirements, he/she will be invited to attend the selection interview/written examination without being subject to further shortlisting.

星期六, 3月 05, 2011

小學五年級工作紙 - 改寫句子



(一)  原句:我一定要弄清楚這件事情的真相。

1. 原句:我要認真考慮才能答覆你提出的問題。

2. 原句:我會仔細調查這宗離奇的案件。

 (二) 原句:要是你肯用功溫習,考試成績必定會更好的。

3. 原句:要是你肯多做運動,身體必定會更健康的。

4. 原句:要不是他偷了別人的東西,他不會被警察拘捕。

 (三) 原句:大王為人暴戾,毫無寬恕、憐憫之心。

5. 原句:大王怒氣未消,不會聽取你的勸諫。

6. 原句:曹操在大霧中看不清虛實,不敢輕易出兵。

(四)  原句:我怎麼敢跟主帥說笑呢?

7. 原句:小灰熊怎可以這樣粗暴地對媽媽說話呢?

8. 原句:狼怎能躲到這個口袋裏去?         

(五)  原句:加強訓練,是為了取得佳績。

9. 原句:增聘員工,是為了配合業務的發展。


星期五, 3月 04, 2011

LANDSD 2011/01 測量主任(攝影測量) Survey Officer (Photogrammetry)

Ref : LD RCR/89
4 March 2011
Survey Officer (Photogrammetry)
To :
Permanent Secretaries
Judiciary Administrator
Heads of Department
(Note :
Permanent Secretaries/Heads of Department are requested to ensure that copies of this circular are circulated to all eligible officers and displayed on staff notice boards in all offices of their bureaux/departments until after the closing date for applications.)
Applications are invited from serving civil servants for appointment as Survey Officer (Photogrammetry) (SO(Ph)) in the Lands Department.
Pay Scale
2. The pay scale of Survey Officer (Photogrammetry) is from Master Pay Scale Point 9 (HK$14,975) to Master Pay Scale Point 22 Note 1 (HK$29,400) per month. The pay and incremental date for a successful candidate will be determined in accordance with the provisions of Civil Service Regulations 130 and 133 and as set out in the letter of appointment.
Entry requirements
3. Candidates should have -
a Higher Diploma in geomatics or a Diploma/Higher Certificate in land surveying or digital mapping from a Hong Kong Polytechnic University/Polytechnic or the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education or technical college/technical institute, or equivalent; and
Note 1 The information on the maximum pay point is for reference only and it may be subject to changes.
- 2 -
met the language proficiency requirements of “Level 2” Note 2 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination, or equivalent.
(Remarks :
Candidates will be required to pass an aptitude test and an assessment on their stereoscopic vision for performing the duties relating to restituting stereo model, carrying out graphical plotting and/or digital data acquisition.
Preference will be given to candidates who possess knowledge of technical drawing and/or common computer software applications.)
Permanent Residency Requirement
4. Selected appointees must be permanent residents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region unless they were first appointed on civil service terms of appointment before 1 July 1997 and have continued in service without a break.
5. An SO(Ph) is mainly deployed on -
carrying out preparation, observation and calculation work associated with aerial triangulation;
restituting stereo model and from it carrying out graphical plotting and/or digital data acquisition;
editing and processing data on computer;
assisting in checking of photogrammetric work; and
assisting in the maintenance service of photogrammetric equipment.
(Remarks : May be required to work irregular hours.)
Terms of appointment
6. Successful candidates will be appointed either on trial or on probationary terms, as appropriate.
(Remarks :
The entry pay, the terms of appointment and conditions of service to be offered are subject to the provisions prevailing at the time the offer of appointment is made.)
Basic Law Knowledge Assessment
Note 2 For civil service appointment purpose, "Grade C" and "Grade E" in Chinese Language and English Language (Syllabus B) in previous Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) are accepted administratively as comparable to "Level 3" and "Level 2" respectively in Chinese Language and English Language in the 2007 HKCEE and henceforth.
- 3 -
7. For the purpose of heightening public awareness of the Basic Law (BL) and promoting a culture of learning of BL in the community, assessment of BL knowledge will be included in the recruitment for all civil service jobs. Candidates who are invited to attend the recruitment interview will be assessed on their BL knowledge through a written test to be conducted immediately before or after the recruitment interview. The BL test result will be one of the considerations to assess the suitability of a candidate.
8. Applications Note 3 on G.F. 340 (Rev. 1/2011) should be forwarded to the Appointments Section, Lands Department, 21/F, North Point Government Offices, 333 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong not later than 17 March 2011. The envelope containing the application should be clearly marked “Application for the post of Survey Officer (Photogrammetry)”.
9. Candidates who are selected for interview will normally receive an invitation letter within ten to twelve weeks from the closing date for application. Those who are not invited for interview may assume that their applications are unsuccessful Note 4. For enquiries, please telephone the Appointments Section at 2231 3196 or 2231 3202.
( Mrs Pearl SIU )
for Director of Lands
Note 3 As an Equal Opportunities Employer, the Government is committed to eliminating discrimination in employment. The vacancy advertised is open to all applicants meeting the basic entry requirement irrespective of their disability, sex, marital status, pregnancy, age, family status, sexual orientation and race.
Note 4 Where a large number of candidates meet the specified entry requirements, the recruiting department may devise shortlisting criteria to select the better qualified candidates for further processing. In these circumstances, only shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend recruitment interview.
It is Government policy to place people with a disability in appropriate jobs wherever possible. If a disabled candidate meets the entry requirements, he/she will be invited to attend the selection interview without being subject to further shortlisting.


檔號:LD RCR/89
地政總署職位空缺通告第LANDSD 2011/01號
2. 測量主任(攝影測量)的薪級表為總薪級表第9點(每月14,975元)至總薪級表第22點註1(29,400元)。獲取錄轉任這職位的人員,其薪酬和增薪日期將按照《公務員事務規例》第130及第133條的規定訂定,並會載列於聘書上。
3. 申請人必須:
註1 頂薪點的資料只供參考,日後或會有所更改。
註2 政府在聘任公務員時,2007年前的香港中學會考中國語文科和英國語文科(課程乙)「C級」及「E級」的成績,在行政上會分別被視為等同中國語文科及英國語文科「第3等級」和「第2等級」的成績。 C2XP-CIR-Vac Cir SO(Ph)-Chi.doc 1
4. 獲取錄的人員必須是香港特別行政區永久性居民。在一九九七年七月一日之前初次按公務員聘用條款受聘而其服務並無中斷的在職公務員則屬例外。
5. 測量主任(攝影測量)主要負責:
(a) 進行與空中三角測量有關的準備、觀測和計算工作;
(b) 重建立體模型,藉以標繪圖表及/或收集數碼數據;
(c) 利用電腦編輯和處理數據;
(d) 協助核實攝影測量工作;以及
(e) 協助維修攝影測量器材。
6. 申請人如獲錄用,將按情況以試任或試用條款受聘。
7. 為提高大眾對《基本法》的認知並在社區推廣學習《基本法》的風氣,所有公務員職位的招聘均會包括《基本法》知識的評核。申請人如獲邀參加遴選面試,會獲安排於面試當日參加《基本法》筆試。筆試會於面試開始前或結束後舉行。申請人在《基本法》知識測試的表現,會用作評核其整體表現的其中一個考慮因素。
註3 作為提供平等就業機會的僱主,政府致力消除在就業方面的歧視。所有符合基本入職條件的人士,不論其殘疾、性別、婚姻狀況、懷孕、年齡、家庭崗位、性傾向和種族,均可申請本職位。 C2XP-CIR-Vac Cir SO(Ph)-Chi.doc 2
申請人如獲選參加面試,通常會在截止申請日期後約十至十二個星期內接獲通知。申請人如未獲邀參加面試,則可視作已經落選註4。如有查詢,請致電2231 3196或2231 3202與地政總署聘用組聯絡。
分發名單: 各常任秘書長
副本送: 司法機構政務長
註4 如果符合訂明入職條件的應徵者人數眾多,招聘部門可以訂立篩選準則,甄選條件較佳的應徵者,以便進一步處理。在此情況下,只有獲篩選的應徵者會獲邀參加招聘考試及╱或面試。

ISD 2011/01 助理新聞主任(一般工作) Assistant Information Officer (General)

Ref : ISD HRM 5-25/2/7 Pt. 1 4 March 2011
Assistant Information Officer (General)
To : Permanent Secretaries c.c. Judiciary Administrator
Heads of Department Secretary, PSC
The Ombudsman
(Note : Permanent Secretaries/Heads of Department are
requested to ensure that copies of this circular are
circulated to all eligible officers and displayed on staff
notice boards in all offices of their bureaux/departments
until after the closing date for applications.)
Applications are invited from serving civil servants for appointment as
Assistant Information Officer (General) in the Information Services Department (ISD).
Pay Scale
2. The pay scale of Assistant Information Officer (General) is from Master Pay
Scale Point 14 ($19,945 per month) to Master Pay Scale Point 27 Note 1 ($36,945 per
month). The pay and incremental date for a successful candidate will be determined in
accordance with the provisions of Civil Service Regulations 130 and 133 and as set out in
the letter of appointment.
Note 1 The information on the maximum pay point is for reference only and it may be subject to
- 2 -
Entry Requirements
3. Applicants should have -
(a) (i) a degree from a Hong Kong university, or equivalent Note 2 & 3;
(ii) an accredited associate degree/higher diploma in arts or
journalism from a Hong Kong tertiary institution, or
equivalent Note 2 & 3; or
(iii) a diploma in arts or journalism from a registered
post-secondary college issued after the date of its registration,
or equivalent Note 2 & 3; or
(iv) a pass in two subjects at Advanced Level in the Hong Kong
Advanced Level Examination and Level 3/Grade C or above
in three other subjects in the Hong Kong Certificate of
Education Examination Note 4, or equivalent; and at least three
years’ experience in the fields of journalism, publicity or
public relations;
(b) a pass result in the Aptitude Test Note 5 in the Common Recruitment
Examination (CRE);
(c) met the language proficiency requirements of ‘Level 2’ results in
the two language papers Note 5 (Use of Chinese Note 6 and Use of
English Note 6 & 7) in the CRE, or equivalent; and a good command
of spoken English and Cantonese. Candidates without the
requisite CRE results but who have met the other entry
requirements may also apply. However, they will only be
considered for appointment subject to their obtaining the requisite
results in the relevant papers in the coming CRE Note 8 to be held in
June 2011.
Note 2
Candidates studying in the final year for the courses stipulated in paragraphs 3(a)(i),
3(a)(ii) and 3(a)(iii) above may also apply; if selected, their appointment will be subject to
obtaining the requisite qualifications.
- 3 -
Note 3 Applicants with qualifications stipulated in paragraphs 3(a)(i), 3(a)(ii) and 3(a)(iii) above
should indicate in the application forms their major area of studies.
Note 4 For civil service appointment purpose, ‘Grade C’ and ‘Grade E’ in Chinese Language and
English Language (Syllabus B) in previous HKCEE are accepted administratively as
comparable to ‘Level 3’ and ‘Level 2’ respectively in Chinese Language and English
Language in the 2007 HKCEE and henceforth.
Note 5 Candidates’ results in the Aptitude Test (AT) paper are classified as pass or fail, while the
results of the Use of Chinese (UC) and Use of English (UE) papers are classified as ‘Level
2’, ‘Level 1’ or ‘Fail’, with ‘Level 2’ being the highest.
Note 6 Grade ‘C’ or above and Grade ‘D’ in Use of English of the Hong Kong Advanced Level
Examination (HKALE), or equivalent, are accepted as equivalent to ‘Level 2’ and ‘Level
1’ results respectively in the UE paper of the CRE. Grade ‘C’ or above and Grade ‘D’ in
Chinese Language and Culture or Chinese Language and Literature of the HKALE are
accepted as equivalent to ‘Level 2’ and ‘Level 1’ results respectively in the UC paper of
the CRE.
Note 7 Applicants with an overall band of 6.5 or above with no subtest score below band 6
obtained in the same sitting in the Academic Module of the International English
Language Testing System (IELTS) within the two-year validity period of the test are
considered as having met the English language proficiency requirement (paragraph 3(c) of
entry requirements) of the Assistant Information Officer (General) post. The IELTS test
result must be valid on the starting day of the application period, i.e. 4 March 2011.
Note 8 The application period for the coming CRE is from 1 to 14 April 2011. Details of the
application procedure will be available in Civil Service Bureau’s homepage at
http://www.csb.gov.hk. Candidates with a Hong Kong degree or equivalent should
apply directly with the Civil Service Examinations Unit of Civil Service Bureau.
For candidates with qualifications specified at paragraphs 3(a)(ii), 3(a)(iii) and
3(a)(iv) above, they should submit their “Application Form for Common
Recruitment Examination and Basic Law Test” to ISD not later than 14 April 2011.
4. Successful applicants with qualifications specified at paragraphs 3(a)(ii),
3(a)(iii) or 3(a)(iv) above will be appointed at two points below the minimum of the pay
scale, i.e. Master Pay Scale Point 12.
Assistant Information Officer (General) Written Examination
5. Apart from the CRE, applicants are required to sit an Assistant Information
Officer (General) written examination conducted by ISD. Only those who have passed
the examination will be further considered for the selection interview.
Basic Law Assessment
6. For the purpose of heightening public awareness of the Basic Law (BL)
and promoting a culture of learning of BL in the community, assessment of BL
knowledge will be included in the recruitment for all civil service jobs. Results of the
- 4 -
BL test (BLT) for degree/professional grades will be one of the considerations to assess
the suitability of a candidate but will not affect his/her eligibility for applying for civil
service jobs. As a general principle, the main consideration for suitability for
appointment remains a candidate’s qualification, experience and caliber.
7. The coming BLT conducted by the Civil Service Examinations Unit will be
held in June 2011. The application period is from 1 to 14 April 2011. Candidates
with a Hong Kong degree or equivalent should send their applications directly to
the Civil Service Examinations Unit. For candidates with qualifications specified
at paragraphs 3(a)(ii), 3(a)(iii) and 3(a)(iv) under Entry Requirements above, they
should submit their “Application Form for Common Recruitment Examination and
Basic Law Test” to ISD not later than 14 April 2011. Enquiries on the BLT should be
directed to the Civil Service Examinations Unit by phone at 2537 6429 or by email to
Permanent Residency Requirement
8. Candidates must be permanent residents of the Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region at the time of appointment unless they were first appointed on civil
service terms of appointment before 1 July 1997 and have continued in service without a
9. Work in the fields of news services, publicity, promotion and public
relations in Government bureaux or departments. Mainly responsible for media
research; information dissemination and media arrangements; publicity and promotions
and emergency duties. May be required to work shift.
Terms of Appointment
10. Successful candidates will be offered appointment either on trial or on
probationary terms as appropriate Note 9.
Note 9 The entry pay, terms of appointment and conditions of service to be offered are subject to
the provisions prevailing at the time the offer of appointment is made.
- 5 -
11. Application Forms [G.F. 340 (Rev.1/2011)] are obtainable from any Public
Enquiry Service Centres at District Offices of the Home Affairs Department or any Job
Centres of the Employment Services Division of the Labour Department. The form can
also be downloaded from the Civil Service Bureau’s website (http://www.csb.gov.hk).
12. Application must be made on the form [G.F.340 (Rev. 1/2011)] and
submitted in one of the following manners on or before 17 March 2011 –
(a) Completed application forms [G.F.340 (Rev. 1/2011)] should be sent by post to the
Human Resource Management Section of Information Services Department,
Room 501, 5/F, Murray Building, Garden Road, Central, Hong Kong, in a
sealed envelope clearly marked “Application for Assistant Information Officer
(General)”. (The postmark date on the envelope will be regarded as the date of
(b) On-line application can be made through Civil Service Bureau’s website
13. Applicants must also submit the following supporting documents on or
before 23 March 2011 to the above address by post, in a sealed envelope clearly
marked “Application for Assistant Information Officer (General)” and the on-line
application number (where applicable) -
(a) copies of degree(s) / diploma(s) / certificate(s) in support of their academic
(b) copies of transcripts of studies;
(c) copies of letters on the CRE results / certificate(s) (if any); and
(d) copies of documentary proof of relevant working experience (where applicable).
14. Applications not made in the prescribed form [G.F. 340 (Rev. 1/2011)], or
applications which are incomplete, late or without required photocopies of the above
mentioned documents will not be considered.
- 6 -
15. Candidates who are not invited to attend the Assistant Information Officer
(General) written examination within three months from the closing date may assume
their applications unsuccessful Note 10. For enquiries, please call 2842 8643.
( Ms Catherine WONG )
for Director of Information Services
Note 10 As an Equal Opportunities Employer, the Government is committed to eliminating
discrimination in employment. The vacancy advertised is open to all applicants
meeting the basic entry requirement irrespective of their disability, sex, marital status,
pregnancy, age, family status, sexual orientation and race.
Where a large number of candidates meet the specified entry requirements, the
recruiting department may devise shortlisting criteria to select the better qualified
candidates for further processing. In these circumstances, only shortlisted candidates
will be invited to attend recruitment examination and/or interview.
It is Government policy to place people with a disability in appropriate jobs wherever
possible. If a disabled candidate meets the entry requirements, he/she will be invited
to attend the selection interview/written examination without being subject to any
further shortlisting.


檔號 : I SD HRM 5 - 2 5 / 2 / 7 P t . 1
政府新聞處職位空缺通告第I SD 2 0 1 1 / 0 1 號
﹝ 注意: 請各常任秘書長/部門首長留意,本通告須分發
給所有合資格申請這職位的人員傳閱, 並應在
轄下所有辦事處的職員布告板上張貼, 直至截
2 . 助理新聞主任(一般工作)薪級表為總薪級表第1 4 點(每月
1 9 , 9 4 5 元)至總薪級表第2 7 點註一(每月3 6 , 9 4 5 元)。獲取錄人員的薪酬
及增薪日期,將依照《公務員事務規例》第1 3 0 及1 3 3 條的規定訂定,
3 . 申請人必須-
( a ) ( i ) 持有香港任何一所大學頒發的學位,或同等學歷註二及三;

( i i ) 持有香港任何一所專上院校頒發的經評審文科學系或新
聞系副學士學位/高級文憑, 或同等學歷註二及三; 或
( i i i ) 持有註冊專上學院註冊後頒發的文科學系或新聞系文
憑, 或同等學歷註二及三; 或
( i v ) 在香港高級程度會考考獲兩科及格, 並在香港中學會考
另外三科考獲第3 等級/C 級或以上成績註四, 或同等學
歷; 及在新聞業、宣傳事務或公共關係方面具有至少三

- 2 -
( b ) 在綜合招聘考試的能力傾向測試註五取得及格成績;

( c ) 在綜合招聘考試兩張語文試卷註五(中文運用註六及英文運用註六
但符合其他入職條件的人士, 亦可提出申請, 但有關申請人
績後方會獲考慮受聘。下一次的綜合招聘考試註八將於2 0 1 1
年6 月舉行。
4 . 獲取錄人員如持有上述3 ( a ) ( i i )、3 ( a ) ( i i i )或3 ( a ) ( i v )段的入職學
歷, 他們會以低於起薪點兩點(即總薪級表第1 2 點)受聘。
註一 頂薪點的資料只供參考, 日後或會有所更改。
註二 現正修讀上述3 ( a ) ( i )、3 ( a ) ( i i )及3 ( a ) ( i i i )段所述課程的應屆畢業生亦可申
請, 如獲取錄, 申請人須待取得所需學歷後, 方獲聘用。
註三 申請人如持有上述3 ( a ) ( i )、3 ( a ) ( i i )及3 ( a ) ( i i i )段的學歷,應在申請書上詳
註四 政府在聘任公務員時, 過往香港中學會考中國語文科及英國語文科( 課
程乙)C 級和E 級的成績, 在行政上會分別被視為等同2 0 0 7 年或以後香
港中學會考中國語文科及英國語文科第3 等級和第2 等級的成績。
註五 能力傾向測試的考生成績分為及格或不及格, 而中文運用及英文運用試
卷的成績則分為「二級」、「一級」或「不及格」, 並以「二級」為最
註六 香港高級程度會考英語運用科「C」級或以上和「D」級成績( 或同等成
註七 在I n t e r n a t i o n a l E n g l i s h La n g u a g e T e s t i n g S y s t em ( I E LT S )學術模式整體
分級取得6 . 5 或以上, 並在同一次考試中各項個別分級取得不低於6 的
成績的人士, 在I E L T S 考試成績的兩年有效期內, 會視為已符合助理新
聞主任(一般工作)職位的英文語文能力要求( 即入職條件的3 ( c )段) 。
I E L T S 考試成績必須在職位開始接受申請的首天( 即2 0 1 1 年3 月4 日)
註八 下一次綜合招聘考試的申請日期爲2 0 1 1 年4 月1 日至4 月1 4 日。有關
務局公務員考試組申請。持有上述3 ( a ) ( i i )、3 ( a ) ( i i i )及3 ( a ) ( i v )段學歷的
申請人須於2 0 1 1 年4 月1 4 日或之前, 將「綜合招聘考試及基本法測試
- 3 -
5 . 除了綜合招聘考試, 申請人將須要參加由政府新聞處舉辦的助
理新聞主任( 一般工作)筆試。申請人必須在有關筆試取得及格成績
6 . 為提高大眾對《基本法》的認知和在社區推廣學習《基本法》
的風氣, 所有公務員職位的招聘, 均會包括《基本法》知識的評核。
7 . 公務員考試組將於2 0 1 1年6月舉行下一次的基本法測試,基本法
本法測試的查詢, 請致電2 5 3 7 6 4 2 9或電郵至c s b c s e u @ c s b . g o v . h k與
8 . 獲取錄的人員必須是香港特別行政區永久性居民。在一九九七
9 . 在政府決策局或部門從事有關新聞事務、宣傳、推廣及公共關
1 0 . 申請人如獲錄用,將按個別情況以試任條款或試用條款受聘註九。
註九 入職薪酬、聘用條款及服務條件應以受聘時的規定為準。
- 4 -
1 1 . 申請表格[G.F. 3 4 0 (Re v . 1 / 2 0 1 1 ) ]可向民政事務總署各區諮詢服
網站( h t t p : / /www. c s b . go v . h k )下載。
1 2 . 申請人必須在2 0 1 1 年3 月1 7 日或之前透過下列其中一個方式
以申請表格[G.F. 3 4 0 (Re v . 1 / 2 0 1 1 ) ]提出申請:
( a )把填妥的申請表格[G.F. 3 4 0 (Re v . 1 / 2 0 1 1 ) ]放入信封內封密,信封面
註明「申請助理新聞主任( 一般工作) 」然後郵寄到香港中環花
( b )透過公務員事務局互聯網網站( h t t p : / /www. c s b . g o v . h k )作網上申請。
1 3 . 申請人並須把下列所需證明文件放入信封內封密, 信封面註明
「申請助理新聞主任( 一般工作)」及註明網上申請編號(如適用),
在2 0 1 1年3月2 3日或之前郵寄至上述地址:
( a ) 學位證書/文憑/證書副本, 以證明其學歷;
( b ) 成績單副本;
( c ) 綜合招聘考試成績通知書/證明書副本(如適用); 及
( d ) 有關工作經驗的證明文件副本(如適用)。
1 4 . 申請人如不使用指定的申請表格[G.F. 3 4 0 (Re v . 1 / 2 0 1 1 ) ]提交申
副本, 其申請將不獲受理。
1 5 . 申請人於截止日期後三個月內仍未獲邀參加助理新聞主任( 一
般工作)筆試,則可視作已落選論註十。如有查詢,請致電2 8 4 2 8 6 4 3。
註十 作為提供平等就業機會的僱主,政府致力消除在就業方面的歧視。所有符合基本入職條件的人
- 5 -
分發名單 : 各常任秘書長
副本分送 : 司法機構政務長