星期六, 3月 24, 2012

Change the displayed name of CIS webmail

 問:How to change the name of user in CIS Webmail?
         如何更改 CIS Webmail 的使用者姓名?

  1. Use Internet Explorer to login the account via http://wmaila.scig.gov.hk
    使用 Internet Explorer 在 http://wmaila.scig.gov.hk 登入帳戶
  2. Click Preferences
    點擊 Preferences
  3. Click Mail
    點擊 Mail
  4. Select "DefaultMailAccount[IMAP]"
    選擇 "DefaultMailAccount[IMAP]"
  5. Click Edit
    點擊 Edit
  6. Change the Name
  7. Click OK
    點擊 OK

星期日, 2月 05, 2012

Mission of HKTA

Hong Kong Tennis Association
To promote tennis to all through the HKTA and collaborations with other tennis and government bodies
To set and maintain the standards of the game to an international level and to nurture talented local players to compete in regional and international tournaments
To raise the standards of tennis by organizing local, regional and international competitions
Hong Kong Tennis Association has never deviated from its objective to promote tennis to all, to nurture talented players, and to raise the standard of the game in Hong Kong.

The HKTA organizes a number of local and international tennis events as well as junior and elite development programs, for example, star of the future, talent group, and youth athlete. Etc, a corporate training scheme, coaching certification courses, a Tennis-For-All open enrollment program, and a mini-tennis initiative for young children.

Organization Structure
The HKTA is a non-profit organization and recognized by both the Asian Tennis Federation (ATF) and the International Tennis Federation (ITF). The Association is guided by a Council whose members are elected for a two-year term. There are currently 39 member clubs affiliated with the HKTA and approximately 4000 individual members. Also, there are a nine specialized Committees that oversee particular aspects of the work of the Association, each Committee is chaired by a Councilor and supported by other council members or those knowledgeable tennis enthusiasts from the general public that are invited to participate by the respective Committees. The first is the Coaches Development Committee which includes a chairman, a vice Chairman, 8 members, 2 ex-officio members, and 5 HKTA staffs .The second is the Development Committee which includes a chairman, 4 members, 2 ex-officio Members, and 4 HKTA staffs .The third is the Education and Qualification Committee which includes a Chairlady, 7 members, 2 ex-officio Members, and 4 HKTA staffs .The forth is the Elite Committee which includes a chairman, 3 members, 2 ex-officio members, and 5 HKTA staffs . The fifth is the Executive Committee which includes a president, 3 vice presidents, Honorary Secretary, and Honorary TreasurerThe sixth is the League Management Committee which includes chairman, immediate past chairman, president, league secretary, 11 members and 3 HKTA Staffs .The seventh is the Membership Services Committee which includes chairman, 6 members, 2 ex-officio members and 3 HKTA staffs .The eighth is the Officiating Committee which includes chairman, 8 members, 2 ex-officio members, 3 HKTA staffs .The last is the Tournament Committee which includes Chairman, 7 members, 2 ex-officio members, 5 HKTA staffs . 

In Hong Kong Tennis Association, it includes patrons and council. For patrons, there are three main patrons, the Life Patrons Dr. Stanley Ho, GBS, the Honorary Patrons the Hon. Ronald Arculli, GBS, JP Mr. L Cyril Kotewall, and the Patron Mr. Hu Fa-kuang, GBS, JP

In Hong Kong Tennis Association Council, there six officers of the association, the president, the Hon. Secretary, the Hon. Treasurer, and three vice president. Also, it includes nine councilors

星期六, 2月 04, 2012

Past paper for HKIT (GE150 - Information Systems / ISY10212 - Contemporary Issues in MM and IT / IT106 - Information Systems and Multimedia)

1. Associate Degree of Science in Computing and Information Technology
2. Associate Degree of Business Administration

IT106 Information And Multimedia Systems
All the documents need to be submitted to CMS on or before 5pm, 22nd Jan 2010 (Friday)

Instructions to Students:
This is a take home exam. Students are required to finish 4 forum discussions and one report.
  1. For each forum, contributions need to display an understanding of multiple perspectives regarding the issue under discussion. Specific positions are encouraged, but need to be argued based upon critical thinking and utilize published materials from the media and academic literature. Each discussion should have a words length of 300 words to 600 words.
  2. Write a report which identifies, discusses and assesses a current issue in the area of Multimedia and Information Technology. Particular attention should be given to any social, cultural, ethical, and legal implications of these new technologies. The report should have a words length of 2500 words to 3500 words.

(5 marks)

What is privacy in the modern world?
What role does celebrity play?
How does Multimedia and Information Technology impact upon privacy and celebrity?

In recent days the death of Michael Jackson has received blanket coverage in conventional news media (newspapers, radio news and television news).

Other media have been dealing with high volumes of traffic too. Google thought that it may have been under cyber attack due to the very high rate of inquiries of "Michael Jackson" that happened with such an immediacy in time.
(See: http://www.smh.com.au/technology/technology-news/jackson-queries-cause-google-meltdown-20090627-d06w.html)

Some people are literally born as a celebrity - these are the princes and princesses of this world who inherit a role in public life from their parents, the kings and queens. There are very few such people left on the planet, and their level of celebrity may be localized to just a few countries.

All other celebrities are "produced" or "manufactured". Movie stars (especially when married to each other, as are Angelina Joli and Brad Pitt) are a marketers dream. Prominent sports and music stars (again, especially when married as are Victoria (Posh Spice) and David Beckham) can no longer live their private lives privately. Event such as births of children along with the disruptions or unhappiness that occur in family life such as separations and divorce, are played out in the public media whenever they occur.

Why is this so? And what are the rights and wrongs of this? After all, if the general public payed no attention to these "stories" then they would not appear in the news media because they would not be the material that sold papers, or gained viewers or was considered to "be news".

Forum 2: First Person Computer Games.

(5 marks)

What are the implications?
Can these games be seen as training young users to commit acts of violence?

Check out this site:
There was a documentary aired last night (4/10/09) on SBS about "The Samurai", a TV series produced in the 60's and 70's which achieved a cult status in the minds of Australian children at the time. It was the first TV series that produced a range of merchandise associated with a show in Australia.
Lots of school kids at the time were crazed about the show and although the merchandise consisted mainly of ninja costumes and plastic swords, many took to using tin-snips to fabricate their own star knives from discarded tin can lids.

(5 marks)

What is privacy in the modern world?
What role does threats to security play?
How does Multimedia and Information Technology impact upon privacy and security?

Last week the headlines were again reporting hotel bombings in Indonesia (http://www.aol.com.au/news/story/Jihad-in-Jakarta/2348587/index.html), resulting in several deaths.

Such bombings are not isolated to Indonesia.

The flying of airplanes into the twin towers of The World Trade Center in the U.S.A on September 11th 2001 captured lots of media attention. In part because of the severity of the event, but perhaps also because of the extreme nature of the footage that had been captured (both the crashing of planes into the buildings, and the crashing of the buildings to the ground).
Be warned, explicitly graphic but for example, see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lKZqqSI9-s. Several thousand people died as a direct result.

This event changed the political relationship between some countries of "the west" and groups considered to be aligned with Islamic fundamentalism, which was identified as being responsible.

The reality is that whatever the politics of the situation, bombings of public figures and public spaces (trains, buses, airplanes, hotels, restaurants, weddings) has become a relatively more common strategy employed by some groups and the location for such events has clearly become more globalised.

Information and Communication technologies such as mobile phones, email, and internet sites have been used to plan, coordinate and execute some of these attacks. Consequently, many governments have sought to modify their countries' laws regarding privacy and communications to enable greater surveillance (with varying degrees of success).

What are the rights and wrongs of such a trend towards increased surveillance? Are you happy with such a state of affairs? Does it make you feel safer? Does it make the world safer?

Forum 4: Public Information and Politics.

(5 marks)

What is public information in the modern world?
What role does politics play?
How does Multimedia and Information Technology impact upon free speech and politics?
In democratic countries “freedom of thought” and “freedom of speech” are fundamental to the political process.

Freedom of thought maintains that all people have the right to think for themselves, including with respect to political issues. Freedom of speech is the right to voice publicly ones’ thoughts, without fear of reprisal from the government of the day (nor from one in the future).

The underlying ethic which drives a democracy is the principle that the people of a country, through a voting system, have the right to elect the government of that country. This enables the collective will and wisdom of the people of a nation to take responsibility for their countries future.
In democratic countries the power to determine what appears in newspapers, television and radio is generally held by the businesses that run these media. In non-democratic countries the power to determine what is presented in the newspapers, television and radio is generally held by the government.

In recent years the internet has provided a means by which any individual who holds knowledge on how to upload information and who has access to the hardware and software required, can present to the public domain any information he or she chooses to present. This can be something as benign as a recipe for fried rice, or something as destructive as a recipe for explosives. The information uploaded can also be (and often has been) of a political nature.

Governments, both democratic and non-democratic, have been moving towards increasing restrictions placed upon the nature of the content that can be presented and received on the internet. But the type of content chosen to prohibit will bring into contrast the views of governments in democratic countries compared to those in non-democratic countries.


Report on contemporary issue in multimedia and Information Technology

(40 marks)
Students are encouraged to select a specialised topic area focussing on a contemporary issue in multimedia and Information Technology. It will enable you to undertake detailed study in an area:
-  in which you hold intrinsic interest
-  that has specific relevance and application to an aspect of you personal and/or professional life either currently or in the future
-  that you will find more motivating, and strive to achieve a higher quality product
-  that you will embrace, and experience higher levels of self satisfaction, and
-  that you will gain greater generic knowledge, skills and attitudes regarding research and the production of reports.

星期五, 2月 03, 2012

Individual assignment - Hong Kong Tennis Association

Individual assignment-

    Hong Kong Tennis Association is an association to promote tennis, raise the standards of tennis by organizing competitions. Yet, no any association is perfect. It must have some improvements for it to become much better. And Hong Kong Tennis Association should have improvements of public relations.
    First and foremost, Hong Kong Tennis Association is deficient in media publics. Publics can only get in touch with it by access its website or visit its office. Lack of media reports the news about Hong Kong Tennis Association’s campaigns. Media is the biggest channel to make connections between publics and the association. Hence, it should be suggested when it holds some campaigns just like competitions in local or “Fun Day”, it is better to invite some famous people in order to attract media to come and report aims to make publics to know about Hong Kong Tennis Association.
    What is more, Hong Kong Tennis Association does not have any seminars to public. It just has some seminars for people who want to be coaches. The recommendation of it should be hold some seminars in primary or secondary schools or shopping malls that can let publics to feel more connected to it. It is because it let children to get in touch of tennis if it holds seminars in schools and let parents to know and let their children to play tennis through seminars in shopping malls.
    Apart from the inadequate of seminars, exhibitions are also important to Hong Kong Tennis Association because it has none of exhibitions to publics. It should be recommended to have exhibitions including to display information about Hong Kong Tennis Association by the broads, and to show the figures about tennis court, tennis ball, tennis racket or even some famous tennis player with details, of course including leaflets about the upcoming events and application forms of Hong Kong Tennis Association.
    Another recommendation for improvement to Hong Kong Tennis Association is the community service. It held a fun day on March before. However, it is not enough and also people want to join the fun day should register before. It is so troublesome to join it that people need to register. Free of charge of fun day is attractive to publics but it is better for publics to join it without register due to the problem of public do not know Hong Kong Tennis Association so much.
    All in all, Hong Kong Tennis Association should have more improvements of public relation because tennis is not really very common relatively for other sports in Hong Kong. If Hong Kong Tennis Association can improve public relations more, it effectively to let community can get in touch with it more. It will increase more people to play tennis and want to know more about tennis voluntarily. Therefore, Hong Kong Tennis Association is better to have improvements of public relations.

星期二, 1月 31, 2012

星期六, 11月 19, 2011


27歲的冲仔患上罕有白血病,每 3個星期需要 13萬元購買自費藥吊命。梁御和攝


生命無價,治病卻有價! 27歲的冲仔初踏社會,對人生充滿盼望,卻被罕有白血病襲擊,數月間雙目幾近失明,現依靠每三星期逾 13萬元的自費藥吊命,並等候配對合適骨髓進行移值。最禍不單行是傾盡積蓄為他支付藥費的母親近日又發現乳房有腫瘤,令瀕臨斷藥的樂仔深受打擊。不甘生命就此消逝的他撐起軟弱的身軀求援,盼善心人助他重燃生命之火。

自費療程每次需 13萬元
今年五月,原本身體健壯的冲仔發現頸部腫起,全身出現瘀痕,入院檢查後確診為急性淋巴細胞白血病。數年前大專畢業的冲仔在政府部門任職合約制電腦工程人員,他不斷進修,一直以成為正式公務員為目標,奈何患上惡疾,人生計劃被打破,生命更一度危在旦夕。醫生見冲仔年紀尚輕,建議他嘗試一種香港較少用的自費藥物 Nelarabine療程,每三星期一次,每次需費 13萬元。冲仔父母動用所有儲蓄,讓他注射了兩針,初步效果理想,癌細胞指數下降至 10%。到醫院日以繼夜照顧兒子的冲母焦急地說:「醫生 8月時已經幫佢搵骨髓,醫生話大概要等半年,呢段時間要好好控制病情,估計仲要等多三個月,要捱到做移植,估計藥費隨時過百萬」。



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網上捐款: http://hk.charity.nextmedia.com/site/index.php?fuseaction=site.donate

星期二, 9月 20, 2011


Take Assessment: Test 7 Topic 7      
Name Test 7 Topic 7
Instructions Instructions:
   1. You have 30 minutes to complete this test
   2. You only have one attempt and must finish it once started
   3. Answer all 6 questions
Timed Assessment This Test has a 30 minute timer.The elapsed time appears at the top right of the window.
A 1 minute warning will be displayed.
Multiple Attempts Not allowed. This Test can only be taken once.
Force Completion This Test must be completed now. 


   Question 1   
  Which below are elements of a security audit and alarms model? (15.2)
 A. System logs, email logs and apache logs
 B. Operating system updates / patches, application updates / patches and anti virus updates
 C. Audit analyzer, security reports, archives and security audit trail
 D. None of the above

From the text, Stallings & Brown (2008), page 477 and 478, the elements of a security audit and alarms model are described as follows;

• Event discriminator: The is logic embedded into the software of the system that
monitors system activity and detects security-related events that it has been
configured to detect.
• Audit recorder: For each detected event, the event discriminator transmits the
information to an audit recorder. The model depicts this transmission as being in
the form of a message. The audit could also be done by recording the event in a
shared memory area.
• Alarm processor: Some of the events detected by the event discriminator are
defined to be alarm events. For such events an alarm is issued to an alarm
processor. The alarm processor takes some action based on the alarm. This action
is itself an auditable event and so is transmitted to the audit recorder.
• Security audit trail: The audit recorder creates a formatted record of each event
and stores it in the security audit trail.
• Audit analyzer: The security audit trail is available to the audit analyzer, which,
based on a pattern of activity, may define a new auditable event that is sent to the
audit recorder and may generate an alarm.
• Audit archiver: This is a software module that periodically extracts records from
the audit trail to create a permanent archive of auditable events.
• Archives: The audit archives are a permanent store of security-related events on
this system.
• Audit provider: The audit provider is an application and/or user interface to the
audit trail.
• Audit trail examiner: The audit trail examiner is an application or user who
examines the audit trail and the audit archives for historical trends, for computer
forensic purposes, and for other analysis.
• Security reports: The audit trail examiner prepares human-readable security

   Question 2   
  Which of the following *are* supported by the Cisco Systems' "Monitoring, Analysis and Response System (MARS)"?
 A. Network devices: Cisco software
 B. Firewall / VPN devices
 C. Intrusion detection software
 D. Anti virus
 E. Applications: Apache IIS web servers
 F. All of the above  G. None of the above
Refer to your text, page 503, Computer Security Principles and Practice, Stalling & Brown, 2008.

   Question 3   
  Which of the following statements best describes "system-level audit trail"? (15.5)
 A. traces the activity of individual users over time
 B. captures data such as login attempts, both successful and unsuccessful, devices used, and OS functions performed
 C. generated by equipment that controls physical access and then transmitted to a central host for subsequent storage and analysis
 D. may be used to detect security violations within an application or to detect flaws in the application's interaction with the system

Four different categories of audit trails are;

System-level audit trails: captures data such as login attempts, both successful and unsuccessful, devices used, and OS functions performed

Application-level audit trails: may be used to detect security violations within an application or to detect flaws in the application's interaction with the system.

User-level audit trails: traces the activity of individual users over time.

Physical access audit trails: generated by equipment that controls physical access and then transmitted to a central host for subsequent storage and analysis.

   Question 4   
  Which of the following areas (categories of data) should audit data be collecting? (15.4)
 A. deletion of objects
 B. identification and authentication functions
 C. printout of data
 D. use of access rights to bypass a policy check
 E. All of the above  F. Only A, B and D above

All actions that may effect access to data are to be collected by audit data.

The following are all categories of data that audit data should collect;

• Introduction of objects within the security-related portion of the software into a
subject’s address space
• Deletion of objects
• Distribution or revocation of access rights or capabilities
• Changes to subject or object security attributes
• Policy checks performed by the security software as a result of a request by a
• The use of access rights to bypass a policy check
• Use of identification and authentication functions
• Security-related actions taken by an operator and/or authorized user (e.g.,
suppression of a protection mechanism)
• Import/export of data from/to removable media (e.g., printed output, tapes,

   Question 5   
  Which of the follow need to be understood to perform effective reviews and analysis of an organisation's systems audit logs?
 A. characteristics of common attack techniques
 B. organisations policies regarding acceptable use
 C. the operating systems and major applications
 D. security software used on hosts
 E. brand computers purchased by each department of the organisation
 F. All of the above
 G. Only A, B, C and D above
The brand of computers purchased is not relevant, but all other points listed are needed to be understood to review and analyse an organisation's systems audit logs.

Refer to your text, page 498, Computer Security Principles and Practise, Stalling & Brown, 2008.  

   Question 6   
  Audit logs that track user activity on an information system provide __________.
 A. identification
 B. authorization
 C. accountability  D. authentication
