星期一, 11月 08, 2010

Instance management in DB2

Which command lists the name of the DB2 Administration Server (DAS) tool on a Windows operating system?

Choose an option.

DASLIST This was not the correct option
DASCRT This was not the correct option
DB2ADMIN This was the correct option
GET ADMIN CFG This was not the correct option

Which command enables you to connect to the PAYROLL instance?

Choose an option.

ATTACH TO PAYROLL; This was the correct option
DB2IDROP PAYROLL; This was not the correct option
DB2ILIST PAYROLL; This was not the correct option
DB2START PAYROLL; This was not the correct option

Which command migrates the PAYROLL instance to a newer version of DB2?

Choose an option.

DB2ADMIN PAYROLL This was not the correct option
DB2ICRT PAYROLL This was not the correct option
DB2IMIGR PAYROLL This was the correct option
DB2IUPDT PAYROLL This was not the correct option

Which command creates an instance named "SALES"?

Choose an option.

DB2ICRT SALES This was the correct option
DB2IMGR SALES This was not the correct option
DB2IUPDT SALES This was not the correct option
DB2START SALES This was not the correct option

Which command do you use to display all instances available on a system?

Choose an option.

DB2IDROP This was not the correct option
DB2ILIST This was the correct option
DB2IUPDT This was not the correct option
DB2START This was not the correct option

