星期五, 12月 03, 2010

ICAC 2010/06 - 社區關係處高級參事/管理 - ICAC

檔號 :ICAC RE 24-10
廉政公署職位空缺通告第ICAC 2010/06號



2. 上述職位屬廉政主任(甲)職級,薪點介乎廉署人員薪級表第36至42點註1,月薪由69,275元至86,515元。獲取錄轉任這個職位的人員,薪酬及增薪日期將依照《公務員事務規例》第130及133條的規定訂定,並會載列於聘書上。

3. 申請人必須具備下列資格:
(a) (i) 實任的高級行政主任;或
(ii) 實任的一級行政主任及在該職級工作兩年或以上,曾連續署任高級行政主任者更佳;及
(b) 具備豐富的人力資源管理、財務管理及/或一般部門行政的經驗。

4. 獲取錄的人員必須是香港特別行政區永久性居民。在一九九七年七月一日之前初次按公務員聘用條款受聘而其服務並無中斷的在職公務員則屬例外。

5. 受聘者需向總參事/管理及策略負責以下主要職務:
(a) 協助制定、執行及評核在人力資源管理、財務、採購及辦公室策劃的政策、策略及計劃;
(b) 管理及統籌招聘、晉升、職位調派、操守與紀律、服務條件、員工福利、職員合約及評核等各項與職員管理有關的工作;
(c) 編製部門預算草案及資源分配申請,以及監察全年整體開支;
(d) 統籌部門一般行政、辦公室保安、辦公室策劃及管理、物料及設備供應、採購等事宜;
(e) 監督總務室為部門提供運輸、行政及文書等支援工作;及
(f) 擔任各委員會、管理會議、招聘委員會及專責工作小組的秘書工作。

6. 受聘者通常以合約方式僱用,合約為期兩年半(請參閱《公務員事務規例》第176條,有關選擇按借調或無薪例假形式,轉往廉政公署服務)。如僱員(以無薪例假形式在廉署服務)在合約期內的工作表現及行為良好,在合約圓滿結束時,將可獲發約滿酬金。根據《強制性公積金計劃條款》(香港法例第485章),政府將作出安排,為僱員向一個註冊的強制性公積金計劃(強積金計劃)供款。僱員所得的合約酬金,加上政府向強積金計劃作出的供款,將相等於僱員在合約期內實任職位所得底薪總額的25%。
7. 為提高大眾對《基本法》的認知和在社區推廣學習《基本法》的風氣,所有廉署職位的招聘,均會包括《基本法》知識的評核。學位/專業職系申請人在基本法測試的表現,會用作評核其整體表現的其中一個考慮因素,但不會影響其申請廉署職位的資格。原則上,申請人的學歷、經驗和才能仍然是考慮其是否適合獲聘的主要因素。

8. 申請人須以書信形式列載個人資料和學歷,連同通用表格第340號(3/2008修訂版)和工作經驗簡介(表格見附錄),於二零一零年十二月二十四日或之前以密封信封寄達香港北角渣華道303號3樓廉政公署管理及行政高級參事1收。信封面請註明「申請高級參事/管理職位」。申請人如獲選參加筆試,通常會在截止申請後七個星期內接獲通知。申請人如在二零一一年二月十一日前不獲通知或約見,可作落選論註2。所有資料絕對保密。

9. 如有查詢,請致電2826 3128與黃漢光先生聯絡。

註2 作為提供平等就業機會的僱主,政府致力消除在就業方面的歧視。所有符合基本入職條件的人士,不論其殘疾、性別、婚姻狀況、懷孕、年齡、家庭崗位、性別取向和種族,均可申請本職位。

廉 政 公 署 職 位 空 缺 通 告 第 ICAC 2010/06 號
廉 政 公 署 社 區 關 係 處 高 級 參 事/管 理
工 作 經 驗 簡 介
(甲) 最初受政府聘用的日期:
(乙) 實任一級行政主任職級日期:
(丙) 實任高級行政主任職級日期:
(丁) 連續署任高級行政主任的經驗(適用於一級行政主任申請者):
(戊) 職位調派資料:


Ref : ICAC RE 24-2010 3 December 2010
Vacancy for Senior Staff Officer/Management
in Community Relations Department of the
Independent Commission Against Corruption

Applications are invited from serving Senior Executive Officers and Executive
Officers I for appointment as Senior Staff Officer/Management in the Community Relations
Department of the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC).

Pay Scale
2. The post is in the rank of Commission Against Corruption Officer (Upper) and is
paid on ICAC Pay Scale Point 36 ($69,275) to 42 ($86,515)Note 1 per month. The pay and
incremental date for the successful candidate will be determined in accordance with the provisions of Civil Service Regulations 130 and 133 and as set out in the letter of appointment.

Entry requirements
3. Candidates should meet the following requirements:-
(a) (i) be substantive Senior Executive Officer; or
(ii) be in a substantive rank of Executive Officer I and must have served in the rank for two years or more, and preferably with experience of continuous acting in the Senior Executive Officer rank; and
(b) have a strong background in human resources management, financial management, and/or general departmental administration.
Note 1 The information on the maximum pay point is for reference only and it may be subject to changes.

Permanent Residency Requirement
4. The selected appointee must be a permanent resident of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region unless he/she was first appointed on civil service terms of appointment before 1 July 1997 and has continued in service without a break.

5. The successful candidate will work to the Chief Staff Officer/Management and Strategy in the Management and Strategy Office. He/She will be responsible for the following duties –
(a) Assisting in drawing up, executing and evaluating human resource management, finance, procurement, and accommodation policies, strategies and plans;
(b) Administering and co-ordinating actions in relation to staff management functions including recruitment, promotion, posting, conduct and discipline, conditions of service, staff welfare, staff contract and appraisal matters;
(c) Compiling the Department’s draft estimates and resource allocation bids, and monitoring expenditure throughout the year;
(d) Co-ordinating matters relating to departmental general administration, office security, accommodation, provision of stores and equipment and
(e) Overseeing the work of the General Registry in providing transport, administrative and clerical support services to the Department; and
(f) Serving as Secretary to committees, management meetings, recruitment boards and ad hoc working groups.

Terms of Appointment
6. Appointment will normally be on a 2½-year agreement (Please refer to Civil Service
Regulation 176 for details on terms of release either on secondment or unpaid vacation leave). A
gratuity is payable to appointees on unpaid vacation leave from the government if the contract is satisfactorily completed with consistently high standard of performance and conduct. In compliance with the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance (Cap. 485), the Government will arrange to make contributions for its employees to a registered mandatory provident fund scheme (MPF scheme). The gratuity payable for the agreement will be the sum which, when added to the
Government’s contribution to the said MPF scheme, equals 25% of the total basic salary of
substantive office drawn during the period of agreement.
(Note : The entry pay, terms of appointment and conditions of service to be offered are
subject to the provisions prevailing at the time when the offer of appointment is

Basic Law Assessment
7. For the purpose of heightening public awareness of the Basic Law (BL) and promoting a culture of learning of BL in the community, assessment of BL knowledge will be included in the recruitment for all ICAC jobs. Results of the BL test for degree/professional grades will be one of the considerations to assess the suitability of a candidate but will not affect his/her eligibility for applying for ICAC jobs. As a general principle, the main consideration for suitability for appointment remains a candidate’s qualification, experience and calibre.
8. Applications, which will be treated in strict confidence, should be made in letter
form giving details of personal particulars and education together with GF340 (Rev. 3/2008) and a summary of the applicant’s previous working experience (at Appendix). They should be sent in a sealed envelope marked “Application for post of SSO/M” to Senior Staff Officer/Management and Administration 1, Independent Commission Against Corruption, 3rd Floor, 303 Java Road, North
Point, Hong Kong not later than 24 December 2010. Candidates who are shortlisted for a written
test will normally receive an invitation within seven weeks from the closing date for application. Applicants who have not received any notification or have not been contacted by 11 February 2011 should consider their application unsuccessfulNote 2.

9. For enquiries, please contact Mr Raymond WONG at 2826 3128.

Note 2 As an Equal Opportunities Employer, the Government is committed to eliminating discrimination in employment.
The vacancy is open to all applicants meeting the basic entry requirement irrespective of their disability, sex, marital status, pregnancy, age, family status, sexual orientation and race.
Where a large number of candidates meet the specified entry requirements, the recruiting department may devise shortlisting criteria to select the better qualified candidates for further processing. In these circumstances, only shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend a written test, and upon successful completion, attend an interview and/or an extended interview.
It is Government’s policy to place people with a disability in appropriate jobs wherever possible. If a disabled candidate meets the entry requirements, he/she will be invited to attend the written test without being subject to any further shortlisting.

ICAC Vacancy Circular No. ICAC 2010/06
Vacancy for Senior Staff Officer/Management in the Community Relations Department
of the Independent Commission Against Corruption
Summary of Experience
(a) Date of first appointment to EO Grade :
(b) Date of substantive appointment to EO I rank :
(c) Date of substantive appointment to SEO rank :
(d) Experience of continuous acting in SEO rank (for EO I applicant) :
From ___________________ to _____________________
(e) EO posting history :
Period Post Title Rank Section/Dept Description of Duties
(Please specify if
substantive or acting)
(with relative % of overall responsibility)

