星期五, 3月 18, 2011

CEDB(CTB) 2011/01 政府資訊科技總監

檔號:CTB22/32/2004(2011)III 香港政府總部
職位空缺通告第 CEDB(CTB) 2011/01 號



2. 政府資訊科技總監是設定職位,職級屬首長級薪級表第6點(現時月薪為174,450元至179,650元註1)。獲聘任人員的薪酬及增薪日期將依照《公務員事務規例》第130及133條的規定訂定,並列於聘書上。

3. 應徵者須為實任首長級薪級表第3點或以上、或屬同等職級的人員,並符合以下條件:
(a) 具備至少十五年出任高層行政及管理職位的經驗;
(b) 持有本港大學學士學位或深造學位,或具備同等學歷。應徵者如具備資訊科技方面的資歷、運用和應用資訊科技與從事業務程序
註1 有關薪酬的資料僅作參考用途,日後或會有所改變。

(c) 具備國際視野,能與資訊科技界和政府內部人士溝通;
(d) 具備卓越的領導和管理才能及良好的人際溝通技巧;以及
(e) 英文書寫能力優良,並操流利英語。如中文書寫能力良好並能操廣東話則更佳。
4. 非香港特別行政區(下稱「香港特區」)永久性居民也可應徵,但只會在沒有合適、合資格的香港特區永久性居民人選時,才會獲得聘用。
5. 政府資訊科技總監負責協助商務及經濟發展局局長制定政策和策略,並協助局長監督相關計劃和措施的執行工作,以推動本港資訊科技進一步發展。他/她的直屬上司是商務及經濟發展局常任秘書長(通訊及科技),有關職責說明見附件。
6. 獲取錄者將按下列其中一種方式受聘 —
(a) 獲取錄者如屬常額人員,將會按試任條款受聘為政府資訊科技總監,為期一年,其後由政府考慮是否按常額條款聘用。
(b) 獲取錄者如屬按合約條款受聘的人員:

如果他/她於二零零零年六月一日前 受聘,且聘任期沒有中斷:他/她將會按試用條款受聘為政府資訊科技總監,為期兩年,其後由政府考慮是否按常額條款聘用;或

如果他/她於二零零零年六月一日或以後 受聘,且聘任期沒有中斷:他/她將與政府解約,並按合約條款受聘為政府資訊科技總監,為期三年,其後由政府考慮是否按常額條款聘用。他/她將受香港法例第485章《強制性公積金計劃條例》規管,並須向強積金計劃作出僱員方面的供款。他/她在合約圓滿結束後可獲發給約滿酬金。該筆酬金連同政府向強積金計劃所作的供款,將相等於他/她在合約期內所得底薪總額的百份之十五。

7. 應徵者須於本年四月八日或之前遞交申請書,闡述為何適合擔任上述職位。申請書須連同詳細履歷,送交香港金鐘太古廣場第一期8樓801室億康先達國際有限公司, 信封上註明政府資訊科技總監, 或電郵至
如有查詢,請與郭榮安先生聯絡(電話:2189 2211)。
(郭榮安 代行)

註2 政府是提供平等就業機會的僱主,致力消除在就業方面的歧視。所有符合基本入職條件的人士,不論其殘疾、性別、婚姻狀況、懷孕、年齡、家庭崗位、性傾向和種族,均可申請本通告所示的空缺。
註3 如果符合訂明入職條件的應徵者人數眾多,招聘部門可以訂立篩選準則,選出條件較佳者,然後再行選拔。在此情況下,只有經篩選後入圍的應徵者方會獲邀參加招聘考試及╱或面試。

職銜 : 政府資訊科技總監
職級 : 政府資訊科技總監(首長級薪級表第6點)
直屬上司 : 商務及經濟發展局常任秘書長(通訊及科技)
主要職務和職責 —協助商務及經濟發展局局長制訂政策和策略,並協助局長監督相關計劃和措施的執行工作,以推動本港資訊科技進一步發展(包括合適通訊科技的應用事宜)。有關職務和職責如下:
(a) 管理政府內部在資訊科技方面的財務預算和投資事宜,並評估政府資訊科技項目、計劃及投資的成效;
(b) 擔任政府的首席顧問,就政府的資訊科技基礎設施、體系結構和系統(包括技術標準)提供意見,並指導和制定適當的策略及措施,使有關策略及措施得以有效推行;
(c) 領導、推行和統籌涉及跨部門職責的電子政府計劃;
(d) 提倡採用嶄新的資訊科技和開發創新的應用系統、服務及內容;
(e) 向社會和商界推廣資訊科技,並領導有關消除數碼隔膜的工作;
(f) 促進本地資訊科技業成長和發展;
(g) 開展資訊科技研究計劃,並探討有關資訊科技如何推動本港進步、提升生產力和促進經濟發展;
(h) 擔任政府資訊科技政策的發言人;以及
(i) 擔任系統分析/程序編製主任、電腦操作員和資料處理員三個職系的職系首長。


Ref : CTB22/32/2004(2011)III Government Secretariat
Hong Kong
18 March 2011
Government Chief Information Officer
in the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer
To : Permanent Secretaries cc : Judiciary Administrator
Heads of Department
(Note : Permanent Secretaries/Heads of Department are requested to ensure that copies of this circular are circulated to all eligible officers and displayed on staff notice boards in all offices of their bureaux/departments until after the closing date for application.)
Applications are invited from serving civil servants at D3 or above, or equivalent, for appointment as the Government Chief Information Officer (GCIO) in the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer.
2. This is an established office ranked at D6 (currently $174,450 to $179,650 per monthNote 1) on the Directorate Pay Scale. The pay and incremental date for a successful candidate will be determined in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Service Regulations 130 and 133 and as set out in the letter of appointment.
Entry Requirements
3. Candidates should be substantive Directorate Officers at D3 or above, or equivalent. He/She should possess -
Note 1 The information on the salary is for reference only and it may be subject to changes.

(a) at least 15 years of administrative and managerial experience in a senior position;
(b) a Bachelor or post-graduate degree from a Hong Kong university or equivalent. Qualifications in information technology (IT) and relevant senior management experience in the deployment and application of IT, business process re-engineering and other related skills would be an advantage;
(c) an international perspective and the ability to interact with interlocutors in the IT field and in the Government;
(d) strong leadership and management capabilities, good interpersonal and communications skills; and
(e) strong command of both written and spoken English. Proficiency in written Chinese and spoken Cantonese will be an advantage.
Permanent Residency Requirement
4. Candidates who are not permanent residents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) may also apply but will be appointed only when no suitable and qualified candidates who are permanent residents of the HKSAR are available.
5. Reporting to the Permanent Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development (Communications and Technology), the GCIO will assist the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development in formulating policies and strategies and overseeing implementation of programmes and initiatives to drive the further development of IT in Hong Kong. A job description for the post is at Annex.
Terms of Appointment (see Note)
6. The successful candidate will be appointed in one of the following ways -

(a) If an officer on permanent terms is selected, he/she will be appointed on trial terms for one year before being considered for appointment to the GCIO rank on permanent terms.
(b) If an officer on agreement terms is selected, if he/she was first offered appointment before 1 June 2000 and continue in service without a break: he/she will be appointed on probationary terms for two years before being considered for appointment to the GCIO rank on permanent terms; or
if he/she was first offered appointment on or after 1 June 2000 and continue in service without a break: he/she will be appointed on agreement terms for three years upon the resolution of the current agreement before being considered for appointment to the GCIO rank on permanent terms. He/She will be subject to the provisions of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance (Cap. 485) and will be required to make employee’s contribution to a mandatory provident fund (MPF) scheme. Upon satisfactory completion of the agreement, he/she will be eligible for an end-of-agreement gratuity which, when added together with the Government’s contribution to the MPF scheme, equals 15% of his/her total basic salary of the GCIO post drawn during the agreement period.
[Note: The entry pay, terms of appointment and conditions of service to be offered are
subject to the provisions prevailing at the time the offer of appointment is made.]
7. A letter of application setting out in detail why the applicant considers
himself/herself suitable for the post, together with a full curriculum vitae, should be sent
to Egon Zehnder International, Suite 801, Level 8, One Pacific Place, 88 Queensway,
Central, Hong Kong marked GCIO or by e-mail to recruit_hk@egonzehnder.com on
or before 8 April 2011 Note 2. Candidates who are selected for interview will normally
receive an invitation in about six to eight weeks from the closing date for applications.
Note 2 As an Equal Opportunities Employer, the Government is committed to eliminating discrimination in employment. The vacancy advertised is open to all applicants meeting the basic entry requirement
irrespective of their disability, sex, marital status, pregnancy, age, family status, sexual orientation and race.

Those who are not invited for interview may assume that their applications are
unsuccessful Note 3. For enquiries, please call Mr Aaron Kwok at 2189 2211.
(Aaron Kwok)
for Permanent Secretary for
Commerce and Economic Development
(Communications and Technology)

Note 3 Where a large number of candidates meet the specified entry requirements, the recruiting department may devise shortlisting criteria to select the better qualified candidates for further processing. In these circumstances, only shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend recruitment examination and/or interview.
It is Government policy to place people with a disability in appropriate jobs wherever possible. If a disabled candidate meets the entry requirements, he/she will be invited to attend the selection interview/written examination without being subject to further shortlisting.

Job Description of the Government Chief Information Officer
Post Title : Government Chief Information Officer (GCIO)
Rank : Government Chief Information Officer (D6)
Responsible to : Permanent Secretary for Commerce and Economic
Development (Communications and Technology)
Main Duties and Responsibilities -
To assist the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development in formulating policies and strategies and overseeing implementation of programmes and initiatives to drive the further development of information technology (IT) (which includes the application of appropriate communications technologies) in Hong Kong -
(a) to manage the Government IT budget and IT investment across the Government and evaluate the effectiveness of Government IT projects, programmes and investment;
(b) to be the Government’s principal advisor on Government IT infrastructure, architecture and systems (including technical standards) and lead/develop appropriate trategies and measures for effective implementation;
(c) to lead, implement and coordinate the E-government programme with cross-agency responsibilities;
(d) to champion the adoption of new information technologies and the development of innovative applications, services and content;
(e) to promote IT in the community and the business sector and lead efforts to bridge the digital divide;
(f) to facilitate the growth and development of the local IT industry;
(g) to develop research programmes on IT and how it can contribute to growth, productivity and economic development of Hong Kong;
(h) to serve as the Government spokesperson on IT policies; and
(i) to be the head of the Analyst/Programmer, Computer Operator and Data Processor grades.

